Did you adjust the dish elevation to the elevation angle of the sun?
If the sun is not at the boresight direction of the dish, you'll find the sun beam is reflected at another offset angle..
When testing offset angle with mirrors, you have to adjust the dish's elevation to the sharpest possible mirrorred dot. Otherwise the test just gives you an rough indication of the focal length, and the offset angle is off.
Did you measure that by comparing sidestring lengths? From focus to left of the dish, and from focus to right of the dish?
It is not uncommon, that the arm is not exactly centered to the dish.
Otherwise, if you are out off luck, the dish might be warped.
Is the hughes dish a round, or wider than high, non-flat paraboloid dish?
In this thread a way to measure and calculate dish parabolic specifications for such a dish is described:
Just Sharing This - Calculation of the focal length of an offset satellite dish antenna, Revisited
Alternative to the mirror method, or the water method.