Question about Sirius/XM on Hopper


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
While not a serious issue, I have a question about Sirius/XM on Hopper's/Joey's. My family and I normally listen to the Christian station while getting ready for church on Sunday mornings. While listening this morning, and when I tried it yesterday, I would be listening to the station and after about 5 min. the screen would darken. This is slightly annoying when I'm curious to know what the title of the song is and it makes it harder to read. I could get it to get back to normal by hitting cancel or some other button on the remote, but it is annoying having to do this every 5 min. I understand this is probably to prevent burn in on older TVs and plasmas, but it gets highly annoying especially on a TV that is not susceptible to burn in. Does anyone know of any way to disable this feature? Like I said, it is not a huge deal, but it is still annoying.

Eastern Arc in Los Angeles Signal Strength on 72.7 TP 18 Question

Vip and hopper

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