Questions about multiple remotes and favorites lists

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 26, 2003
I have two HDVR2s on order and one 'Director' receiver. I was wondering about the following:

1) Do the DirecTV receivers have the ability to set an address on the receiver and the remote (e.g. two receivers in same room controlled without interfering with each other)?

2) Do the receivers I have ordered (or any other DirectTV rcvrs, for that matter) offer multiple "favorites lists" to cut down on the number of channels to wade through when surfing?

video62 said:
2) Do the receivers I have ordered (or any other DirectTV rcvrs, for that matter) offer multiple "favorites lists" to cut down on the number of channels to wade through when surfing?

Hmmm... I checked this out at and the gist of it is that once you get your Tivo setup with season pass, etc. you'll seldom be surfing and will always have something to watch at the ready.
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