Rec'd Call From E


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Mar 7, 2004
Phenix City, AL
Call from E advised me that I would be losing my DNS (I receive NBC & CBS E&W feeds via approved waivers).

E stated I could get free OTA antenna installed. Earliest appointment December 1 (8-12). I told them to go ahead since it was free.

I will send report after installation.
I had an appointment to have the antenna installed today.

The installer called me Friday to see if they could do it yesterday. I talked with him and told him I already had an antenna installed on the dish.

He guessed it was a Terk, which it is. He said that that was a powered antenna. The antenna they will be installing is not powered. He said that what I already have installed is far better than what they are going to install.

I cancelled the installation.

I already don't get CBS or NBC where I am. I asked him what the "alternative method" of getting local networks (that is referenced in Dish's explanation of the process) is. The installer said he had no idea.

So much for that.

I may be changing.
Almost any antenna will be better than a Terk. And dish mounted antennas are generally not very good. The aim for your OTA will likely be different from your satellite aim.

A preamp in the antenna will help with distant stations.
I cancelled the installation.

You may have made a mistake. I believe that prior to the injunction E* tried to put up lousy antennas in order to make their service appear more valuable. The antennas that they erect after the injuncution need to work properly. That eliminates those omnidirectional bent trombones around the dish.

Some local installers have alot to learn about over the air reception.

Retailer Chat Recap - November 14, 2006

Fox Chicago down?

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