
Supporting Founder
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Oct 11, 2003
I received my replacement 811 this past Thursday. I will install on Saturday. I also recieved an e-mail from Dish resulting from an e-mail I sent:

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2003 12:23 AM
To: Tech
Subject: Technical Support, , 9195621062

Dear Mr. Spinelli,

Thank you for your e-mail. Did anyone take down software information? Unfortunately the issue the receiver has been replaced for will more than likely be the same. I have received additional emails regarding the same information, a dark screen. I am not sure if the agent took any information from your system information screen in order to let our engineers know this is an issue we are presently having with this particular receiver.

If they did not take any system information please call our Customer Service Center at 1-800-333-3474 and ask for Advance Technical Services. We are aware of most of the issues you described in your email, if we could have you contact us again at the above number to have the agent submit the information I have mentioned.

Your business is greatly appreciated and we thank you for allowing us to be of assistance to you. If you have any further questions or concerns, please refer to or reply to this email and include all previous correspondence so that we may assist you promptly.

As a current customer, you may also use our website to view your current or previous billing statements, add services, or make payments to your account. Please use the link below to launch yourself to the most user-friendly Customer Support Center available today.


Daniel B.

DISH Network e-Care

** Please include all previous correspondence when replying. **

----------------------------Original Message----------

Full Name: Joseph Spinelli Jr

Account Number: 8255-

Question: I just had an 811 installed on Saturday. While I like the
receiver there are a few things that I am troubled by. Before I go into
this I would like to state that after talking to a Senior Tech Sunday
morning he is sending me a replacement receiver on Work Order #494962.

First, the output of this receiver is very dark. I have had to increase
the contrast setting on both the S-Video and DVI tremendously. This
morning my wife was watching Panic in Needle Park on FoxMov and the screen was so dark you could barely see their faces--and this with a 50% increase of contrast. She was watching on S-Video. I switched to DVI and it was better but not by much.

Second, you state that you can adjust screen size and placement but the
feature does not work. Neither does the zoom feature. Without these
picture placement and size is sometimes intolerable. Using DVI If you set
the HD Settings to 480p output and go to an HD channel your video is
pushed too far left. On my set you can adust horizontal placement from the user menu. However, the 480p output is too narrow (horizontal) to fit the 16x9 screen. Using S-Video it is so far left you can not get the whole
picture on the screen.

Third, the SD/HD button does not work. The tech stated that this was not
needed because the receiver did this automatically? No, it does not.
Your view is dependant upon your HD Settings. The way this should work is 480p is the standard digital setting and 720p or 1080i is the high def digital setting. This button should allow you to toggle between the 480p setting and the high def setting you chose. I tried this button with
every HD setting configuration and both the S-Video and DVI outputs. It
simply does not work.

Forth, the Pro-UHF remote is locking up the receiver. I have a Pronto-Neo with IR that is setup to run the 811 (I used a 301 remote to program). The Neo has not locked up the receiver once. The Dish Pro remote has locked it up 4 times. I have concluded that the UHF remote on the receiver is not functioning properly. When the receiver locks up I have to reset--sometimes unplug the receiver for a minute or two and then reset. I do not understand why the IR works perfectly and the UHF that is supposed to be stronger seems to be causing problems.

Fifth, the OpenTv is not functioning--the most you can get is 5 hours on
the menu. Your tech told me that this was fixed--once again--no its not.
Last, I want to state that I do like this receiver and if these problems
can be repaired you have a real hit on your hands. I am very satisfied
with the response this morning from your tech support. They did tell me
that they did not know alot about the 811 but they tried to help me.

However, after reading several sites (, AVS are a few) I
am not sure a new receiver will fix any of my problems. I am not the only one having these problems. I appreciate you sending me another receiver but I will be very surprised if it solves any of these problems. Seems like everyone who has been lucky to get an 811 this early has had these same problems.

As stated before, I like the receiver. I just hope that you can resolve
some of these issues. Thanks for allowing me a forum to send you
questions and concerns about the 811.

WELL--They seem to know about the problems --- lets see how long it takes for them to issue fixes. I think I will try the new 811 receiver anyway. :)

Sometimes I wonder - A Scott Comentary

811 sw upgrade?

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