Receiver connection to multiple TVs / Splitters


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Apr 29, 2004
In order to connect a single DISH receiver (501 in my case) to multiple TVs, I may have to split the signal from the reciever a couple of times due to some of the existing wiring in my house. The three signal paths would go like this:

1) out of receiver RF output into splitter.... from output of splitter to TV RF input (~ 30 feet)
2) out of receiver RF output into splitter.... from output of splitter to input of another splitter (~ 25 feet)... from output of splitter to TV RF input (~ 3 feet)
3) out of receiver RF output into splitter.... from output of splitter to input of another splitter (~ 25 feet)... from output of splitter to TV RF input (~ 75 feet)

Would I have any issues with this configuration, mostly due to signal loss from distance and splitters? What type of splitter should I use to reduce loss? Should I consider using an in-line amp for the longer run (#3 above)? Or is this just one of those scenarios that I just try and see what happens? Any feedback would be appreciated.

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