Possibility Of 922


SatelliteGuys Guru
Original poster
Jan 26, 2004
What is the likelihood of a 922 being developed. I assume that this would be like the 522 but have HD and a bigger hard drive? Does it make sense to get the flawed 921 or to wait until some other box that might be 1 year away?
Yes indeed it is coming.

Upcoming receivers include the following

The 344 (Like a 322 but outputs to 4 TV's)
The DishPlayer 544 (Like a 522 but outputs to 4 TV's)
The DishPlayer 922 (Like a 522 but HD)

I hope to know more about all the units soon. :)
I know all is somewhat speculation now, but will the 922 have two separate HD outputs, like the two separate SD feeds from the 522. I assume the 2nd room could not be modulated, but maybe an amplified componant output for a longer run to a second room.


Ok guys I hear you saying it is coming. Still need to make decision about 921 now with flaws, or 922 later with beta testing, flaws, etc. (maybe 1 year).
Scott Greczkowski said:
Yes indeed it is coming.

Upcoming receivers include the following

The 344 (Like a 322 but outputs to 4 TV's)
The DishPlayer 544 (Like a 522 but outputs to 4 TV's)
The DishPlayer 922 (Like a 522 but HD)

I hope to know more about all the units soon. :)
Oh gawd. x44 makes no sense with more & more TVs going digital - or at least not RF.

It's certainly not going to help the installers - I love the idea of putting receivers in closets and using UHF remotes, but unless they include a UHF remote for TV1, customers won't go for it.

Now, if they put a combined RF output on it (that is, 3-4 RF outputs on one coax), then having it in the living room (or whatever) would be OK.

As for the 922 - it's not gonna be fun trying to get that 2nd HD output from the home theatre in the basement to the master bedroom on the 2nd floor. :no
This makes my head hurt.

E* doesn't even have their $#!t together on the 921 and already they are developing a 922?? :(

As for bigger hard drives, the MaxStor 320GB is running 289 retail now. So that would give us 230 hours of SD or 32 hours of HD.

BFD. Without firewire/dishwire, there is no way to archive HD programs once you fill up the drive. D-VHS is out... External hard drives are out... Second internal hard drive is a possibility, but unlikely at this point.

Nuttin like owning a $1000.00 Edsel of satellite receivers. :smug

811 RAM Memory

Receiver connection to multiple TVs / Splitters

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