Receiver Phone Home Frequency?


Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Nov 13, 2003
New York City
How frequently do receivers phone dish network? I don't have an easy way of plugging some of my receivers into a phone jack, and am wondering how frequently these boxes normally try to connect to the E* mothership...

If it matters, the two receivers I can't normally plug in are a 508 and an 811.
You can call Dish Network and have them send down a hit to the receivers to force them to dial out to them the ppv purchases stored in the purchase history.
sinnfein07 said:
How frequently do receivers phone dish network? I don't have an easy way of plugging some of my receivers into a phone jack, and am wondering how frequently these boxes normally try to connect to the E* mothership...

If it matters, the two receivers I can't normally plug in are a 508 and an 811.

My old model 5000 used to dial out every Sat. at 1 a.m. Sounds like Star has your solution.
I had a telephone line plugged into my 811. If your 811 hangs, then it will put your phone "off the hook". My telephone line was dead, & the cluprit was the line running to my 811 receiver. I couldn't get my 811 to power on without unpluggin & plugging it back in. I will keep it unplugged from now on, & hope I don't keep having problems with my 811, even though my dead phone line was the result of my flaky 811.
How about because of the possibility of your reciever uploading more information than just your pay-per-view information, like your viewing habits. What easier way than this for gathering Nielson rating or target marketing information to sell? Or, how about you don't have a land line to hook to, a lot of people these days just use cell phones.
I had a surge run through a phone line once in a dishplayer 7100 and it would cause my phone line to not work if it was plugged into it so I had to keep it disconnected. The most likely surge you are to get is one from a phone line. That is a good enough reason to not connect a phone line up. Other reasons people do not connect one up is that they do not have a phone, there is no phone jack near the receiver, they are afraid of an invasion of privacy, they see no need to have it plugged in especially when they say they will never order ppv and all that.
Dish turned off my PPV and sports capabilities and neither of my receivers are plugged in to a telephone line. If you do not want PPV or sports packages, you do not need a telephone connection. My TiVo is plugged in and sends my viewing habits to TiVo daily, which they sale to interested parties. Who cares. The data is not traceable by my name.
And just exactly what is it that makes you so sure they don't or won't some day sell the data traceable to your name, street address, and probably email address too? At the very least you are contributeing to your providors and consequently the networks ability to 'sell' commercials. You should be paid for that kind of information feedback, not have it collected behind your back.

Best way to copy from 508

811 Caller ID Doesn't work

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