Receiving HD Event Channel


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Dec 11, 2003
Springboro, OH
What is the lowest amount of programming one can subscribe to and still receive programs on the HD Event Channel (i.e., HD games, the Masters, etc.) for free?

HD Pack doesn't count. I have it and don't get to watch the NBA HD games for example..

To watch the NBA HD stuff you have to take AEP or sub to NBA Season package. Not sure about the other HD events.
I think if you subscribe to the sports package you get the nba channel and the games on the event channel.
It looks to me that it depends what you subscribe to. I get the NBA games in HD on the special events channel, since I subscribe to the multi-sports package. But I did NOT get the recent HD hockey game on the special events channel because I didn't subscribe to the NHL package of games.

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