April 6th Retailer Chat Details

Scott Greczkowski

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Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Hello all and welcome to SatelliteGuys.US and our exclusive live coverage of todays Retailer Charlie Chat!

Todays Retailer Chat is sure to be one of the more interesting ones, with promises of some new programming announcements. Will YES ever come to Dish? We just might find out today.

As the chat is going this thread will be updated with news of interest to you the consumer. Retailer Sensitive information will NOT be posted here. If you are a retailer and wish to discuss this sensitive information please visit our sister site at http://www.dishretailer.com

The chat begins at NOON!

We are also having a live lunchtime chat NOW, to get in the chat just click on the word CHAT in the navagation bar above.

Again ths thread will be updated as warrented! Thanks for being a SatelliteGuy! :D
The Chat has begun, no Charlie on this Charlie Chat, instead its Amir and Jim Defranco.

We are told this chat will have a lot of information.
South Bend is available now on 105
Lincoln, Nebraska Launched on the 31st
Rochester New York, launches april 8th on 121.

112 local markets

Coming soon for locals
Portland Maine
Topeka KS
CBS HD and The HD Demo Channel will be converting to 8PSK April 14th,

Nick toons on April 14th - ch 178

Now talking about MLB Package...
Now talking about Baseball Blackouts.

MLB Extra Innings does not carry any games shown OVER THE AIR, only games which are shown on regional sports networks.

Also games which are local will be blacked out.

The Expos and Blue Jays are NOT carried, and NO YES NETWORK
Next up is talking about a Wrestling PPV, April 18th, WWE Backlash. All customers who order this PPV get free Steve Austin PPV Free.
International Channels

ARY Digital - Family Entertainment from Packistan (Sorry for the spelling on these things guys I am typing as fast as I can in both here and the chat) $14.95 from 121

One World - Packistan News Channel $14.99 only on 121.

Budled $24.99
Now talking about Dish Interactive.

They are launching a new Trivia Channel which is / will be available from the Games Menu on Dish Home.

Fantasy Auto Facing - Will be out by Mid April and you can make your own fantasy racing team, you compete against other dish customers. $4.99 a month.
Ok on to hardware,

The 811 there was a problem with a component on the 811 so they needed to fix the problem, 811's should be available again by May.

The 921 is fixed and production should start going out in about 10 - 15 days.

SuperDISH's are still in short supply, but they say they are catching up.

DishPro adapters are in short supply but they hope to have a lot available soon.
Dish has a 510 upgrade available for Existing Customers. Existing customers can also get a remanufactured 501 now, however for a 501 they must pay an additional upgrade fee because the 501 does not have to pay DVR fees. Customer will pay $149 for a reman 501. (A 510 is $99)
I'd like to know what we are seeing in the 811 that is caused by this bad chip. Is it memory and having effects on the guide? Is it a video processor giving us the bad SD conversion, or black picture?
Yeah I am going to go in later and capture the audio of Jim talking about the bad component and put it online.

Perhaps there will be a recall on the 811's. Its hard to know what Jim means....


Receiving HD Event Channel

Is 266 not here because of hardware??

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