Reciever Question

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SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Feb 10, 2004
NE Ohio
I saw this line in another post and have a question about this receiver. Will it allow the viewing of two independent channels on two dirretent tvs, like Dish's 322/522. I can t find any info about it on Direct's web site.

"I got a new DS704R for free. It's a dual tuner Tivo"

TiVos have two tuners but only a single output so you can only watch 1 tuner at a time. The 322/522 operates as if they were two separate receivers sitting on top of each other. Seeing they use new DISH software they have multiple bugs, you would be much better using two 510s than 1 522. The 510s have pretty stable software.
The Directivo dual tuner receivers only output to one TV but it is really handy to be able to record two shows at once. At a cost of just $99.00 for each one just buy another one for the other TV it will just cost you the $4.99 a month for the additional receiver fee. I have three of them for four weeks now and really like them a lot except for the slow guide which hopefully they will speed it up with the next software update.
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