Recomendations for Multiswitch?

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Royce 67/87/97

New Member
Original poster
Jan 25, 2009
Howdy, all -

First, let me apologize for the following long read - I'm a little on the "long-winded" side...but I just want to be sure to explain my question well. :)

I (think) I am in need a larger multiswitch, and would live to hear some opinions about my options from those more knowledgable than myself. Currently I have a 5-lnb Slimline dish connected to a Zinwell 6x8. My currently connected equipment is:

  • HR 20 in the living room
  • HR 21 in the master br
  • HR 20 in upstairs br #1
  • HR 20 in guest room
From the look of my list of DVRs, it may seem that I've got money to burn...but that's really not the case - I'm a single school teacher, and I actually rent out my two upstairs bedrooms to friends of mine (and Everybody wants a DVR!)

My problem is that all my lines are used up, and I still need to run lines to a second upstairs bedroom for my second renter. I'll probably move the HR 20 from the guest room to that bedroom for his use. (I have an old R10 Tivo I could stick in the guest room.)

Based on my research, I think I need a MS6X16WB. I called DirecTV and asked them about all this, and was informed that they do not sell/provide this piece of equipment themselves - that I could buy it form anyone else.

So my question(s):
  • Is this the switch I should get?
  • If it is, suggestions for reputable online retailers?
  • Dare I even ask if I would be any better off getting SWM8 switch? (I do not think I understand enough about this equipment - I would have all kinds of other questions if it turns out this one would be my best option!)
I look forward to hearing from you, and thanks in advance. Let me know of course if I need to clarify anything for you!

- Royce
Thanks for the confirmation. I'm going to go order one now!

I'll try to make myself get right on installing it and the lines to that bedroom as soon as I can.

I do have the tendancy to procrastinate...but I have some motivation - to get that renter of mine his own reciever so maybe he'll use the one in the living room a little less! :D
don't even bother getting a 16x8 switch too much money for you to buy in the first place..
here is a simple fix and it's far cheaper that you can do.

just get an additional zinwell 6x8 switch. the same one you have and stack the two of them.

make sure the first four ports out of the first switch go into the four in ports on the second switch. then there you go you now have 12 ports.

easy and less expensive switch:up
you can also go with the swm 8 way splitter and lnb it does work.

but it will be cheaper for you to get another 6x8 switch in the long run

it does work i'm a d** tech
the only way a swm 8 will work for you is if all those recievers are swm compatible if not you can cascade the 6x8 into another 6x8 giving you 4 more connections (2 more dvrs) otherwise your looking at buying a 6x16.Remember though on the SWM splitter one "out" counts as 2 for dvrs so terminate the appropriate amounts of "outs" as needed for every dvr .Personally I'd go for another 6x8.unless getting 2 lines to the rooms is mission impossible.

Good luck
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