Record Entire Show?


Original poster
Apr 20, 2004
Sometimes I start watching a show and then after 10 minutes I decide that I want to record it. However, when I hit the "record" button it only records the rest of the show. How do I get it to put the 10 minutes that I have already watched as well as the rest of the show on the DVR.
From the owner's manual:
If you’ve watched a program from its start, up to about one
hour after it’s started, you can reverse to its start:

1. Press the BACK button.
2. Let the program reverse to its start.
3. Press the RECORD button. You’ll get all of the program on your recording.

Note: If you don’t tune to a program until after it starts, you can record only the part of the program that comes after you tune to it.
This is pretty silly .. every other dvr on the market if you hit record records the buffer automaticaly. Go go dish !
riekl said:
This is pretty silly .. every other dvr on the market if you hit record records the buffer automaticaly. Go go dish !
I've got no clue about "every other DVR", but I understand this is a User Interface issue. Some will like it one way, some the other. At least some (all?) of the E* DVRs have a "Record Entire Event" OPTION.

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need help with dish

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