Red Flicker with 6000u and Samsung DLP on some channels


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 7, 2003
SF Bay Area, California
I have a Samsung HLN437 DLP. I also have a Dish Network 6000u receiver, and get Satellite SD and HD and OTA SD and HD.

A few of the SD Dish stations will sometimes show a "flicker" on bright reds on the screen. (the 6000's output is set to HD all the time)

Anyone else seen this?


I've seen it with the 6000 since the beginning on my Mitsubishi RPTV. I always assumed it was a problem with the scaler, but never really delved into it (I have another reciever - displayer - I use for SD content).
I've noticed this too when watching SD content in HD mode on the 6000. I have a 27" tube hdtv, 1080i. Only when something is zoomed in and there is a big blotch of red do i notice it, like in a basketball game or football game. I thought it was the broadcast, maybe its actually the 6000. :evil:

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