Reelz Is On

I thought the same thing, db. I can get that stuff with True Hollywood Story. I would've expected that they would have more material at launch but it seems like they have maybe 4 shows that they're repeating over and over again.
They seem to have an hour of programming they repeat endlessly. :) It has been on in the background since I started working ont he charts at about noon. Since then, I have seen the same 1 hour of programming block (including commercials) 4 times. and one "different" show on Ron Howard's directorial career.

Make that 5 times... it just statted where I came in... Here is that piece on Forest Whitaker and Idi Amin again. :)

See ya
Here is that piece on Ron Howard again. :)

Reelz is on channel 299 because it deals with current movies to be on DVD, PPV and premium channels. It is a channel promoting movie channels and movies. So 299 is the most logical spot for it. No it is not going to be a premium channel itself. It is part of AT60 and Dish Latino Max and higher packages.

See ya
and its owned by the people who originally brought you USSB :D

Hubbard Broadcasting (semi-decent MN company. Owner of all ABC stations licensed in MN)

ReelzChannel™ and Launch Today on TV and the Web

Condo is bringing a Dish QAM system?

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