Scott - it's "no go"
I am trying over and over again now in the other window with Darkman and a password, but keep on getting same thing over and over again, after i press Submit button: "Anti Robotic Register Validation Error"
?? - hehe - WTF

maybe it has to do something with this thinggy: "Validation:
To make sure you are not a robot, please type what letters you see in the image right"
(cuz when i registered yesturday - i had to redo the thinggy one time until getting through it)
But now i am trying over and over again...
Ahh - you said above: "One thing I don't like about this software is I can not resend your validation email again. But I am sure I will fix that in due time" - That is probably it!
Well - i hope you can do it sooner rather then later...
I have an option to use my other email address for registration - at Netzero...
But i d rather not... cuz i hardly ever go there..
and all the Subscriptions would go there...
So i d rather stay with Lycos...
Anyhow - i hope you can reset me or fix me up somehow...
ANd let me know in this thread maybe...
I ll check it on regular basis...