Reminder Tech Chat... Tonight! You can win a Dish 508!

Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
I just want to remind everyone that TONIGHT at 8:30PM est we will be holding our Tech Chat... Chat!

Also tonight we will be giving away a Dish 508 reciever from our friends at DishStore.NET! Remember that the Dish 508 does not have any monthly DVR charges! :)

The contest is open to ALL Registered Members, except for those who won a prize from SatelliteGuys in the last 90 days and also the SatelliteGuys Staff is also not eligable to win as well.

To enter a special email address will be posted in the Chat room at in your email all you need to do is is in the body of the message, "I want the 508 my SatelliteGuys.US username is (your username)"

Entries will be accepted til 9:45pm. Enteries after that time will not be accepted.

All emails will be printed out and a winner will be randomly selected at 9:55PM. The winner will be announced in the CHAT ROOM. If the winner selected is not in the chat room we will draw another winner until we have a verified winner.

Also don't forget that tommrow afternoon we will be holding a afternoon Retailer Chat!
So, Scott - if you draw my name, am I going to win? Or will my entry mysteriously get lost in the great bitbucket in the sky? :D
Nah I wasn't drawing the winners. So I didn't see who won until she type in the winner and pressed send.

I am writing a contest module for Vbulletin, but it is not quite done yet.

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