Remote help


Original poster
Sep 8, 2006
I have the 322 receiver, got the 1.5 uhf remote from radioshack today for tv2 to replace the old remote.

It is controlling tv1 cant seem to get it to work with tv2. I had the same problem with the old remote before but cant remember what i had to do to get it working with tv2 again.

I tried searching google and found this site but cant seem to find anyone with the same problem.
Roadwarrior said:
Menu 6,1,3. At the bottom right hand corner should be the tv2 remote info. Does it say UHF? Is the remote address something other than 1?

It says UHF and the remote address is 1.
This is beyond me then. It sounds like a receiver problem. Just to clarify, you have had this problem with the old remote before? And the new one you bought is a dish network 1.5 uhf pro, with the blue tag at the bottom, and it says 1.5 UHF/IR on the back of the remote? The antenna is connected to the receiver, and the uhf remote is working as a tv1 remote.

I'm sorry, I have no idea. I've never seen that before. If I were doing the service call I'd just try a new receiver, or a new remote.

Was your last remote the one that came with the box?
nahh, thats the wrong remote. The old one might just need new batteries or maybe it did just bite the dust. You need to get another tv2 remote. I'd take that one back. Put new batteries in the old one(if you havent tried that), make sure the antenna is on the receiver tightly and not not hidden under a bunch of electronics(I'd place the 322 above the vcr, dvd, whatever else you got), and try it again. I'm not sure why that one is labeled as UHF, maybe it can be programmed for uhf, but personally I'd rather have one that I knew worked. Has tv2 been moved to another room recently? How far is it from the receiver?
I didnt think it would work but the woman at radioshack kept telling me it would work. I'll take it back tommarow and start looking around on ebay for another tv2 remote.

Thanks for the help anyways. :up

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