Rent a 921 or other Dish HD receiver

Bill D

SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Sep 8, 2003
I was planning on a renting an HD monitor for the super bowl, unfortunately I also need to get my hands on a HD receiver. Come to think of it not sure if they are even broadcsting in HD, need to check that next. But anyone know where or how I could rent a 921 or other dish HD receiver. I currently own a 721. Could I buy and then return from maybe sears I wonder. ANy thoughts ??
Considering that the SuperBowl will be on CBS, you likel just need a HDTV OTA tuner box, and not nessesarily a Dish STB.
Thanks for the CBS info, not sure if an off air antenna would work I'm about 50 miles from NYC. In either case is there anyway to rent a receiver or buy and return
I was just on, noticed that they sell dish 811. They also have a money back return policy. Maybe that is the way to go, when is sears getting the 921. Or atleast whatever JVC's equivalent is.
What is this world coming to, when people think it is okay to blatently abuse return policies like this?

You mention that you have a 721? How would you feel if you learned that it was used by someone for their Superbowl party before you bought it?

Or do you think Sears is a big company, they can afford to throw a $1000 receiver in the trash when you are done playing with it?
That is a pretty interesting idea, to rent an HD tv and/or receiver but the tv is so big that it would hardly be worth delivering it then picking it back up again plus having it be moved around so much could end up causing it to be damaged eventually. They could sell it as used after they rent it to people for a year but that would decrease their profits if they have to give big discounts. If they could use a flat screen that would be easy to place and move without having to have it moved and installed like the projection tv's that would help in that aspect but not when it comes to how much more expensive they are.
Bichon, sears is hardly going to throw the receiver out. They will just repack it and sell it again. It's not like I would break it and return it..

My 721 is the 2nd one I had, the other was RA'd from Dish. So I kind of do have a 721 that was already used and broken. Would it be different if I bought it, decided I didn't like it and return it. I wasn't the one at sears or any other store that decided to have a money back gurantee if you don't like something.

I just bought a ceiling fan the other day from Home Depot, last one they had, boxed looked like a return, but I figured it had a warranty so I got it. It was missing some hardware so I went to another HDepot and they gladly gave me the hardware I was missing. This fan was an obvious return. Think you never bought something that was a repackaged return and in this case obviously never checked to make sure nothing was missing.
If you have any other ideas I'm open to them. There is a place that rents stuff, HD rear projectors being one of them. Not sure how they make money. It's a $2200 TV, It's like $180 for a month to rent, weekly is about $10 more, but it needs a HD receiver. I don't want to buy a receiver I can't use, because I definitly don't have the $$ for a new HD set.
This is why I posted the question, what are my options??
Why do you want a 921 for the superbowl? It's not like you'll be able to watch the recording later on. Also you might consider that the superbowl will only be on a locals stations, if you can't receive the OTA signal and don't qualify for the national CBS feed with a dish at 61.5 then you're out of luck. Possibly you can sign up for digital cable and get your locals in HD if they offer them, but that's way more trouble than it's worth.

Something to consider, if you can't watch it in HD, don't rent a HD monitor. It'll look like crap.

You're best bet is buying a 811 then reselling it on ebay. Not only is it your best bet, but it's the right thing to do. Because of ppl like you, most stores now have restocking fees. <happy dance>
I already checked I do qualify for the cbs hd feed I'm in the nY area. I noticed sears had the 811, was wondering when they would get the 921. The 921 is cool for the simple reason that I can pause the game if I want. Again just wondering about ideas and option.
I also have a 61.5 dish already
I agree that it's pretty lame to buy something, use it, and return it -- knowing beforehand you have no intention of keeping it. This is the difference between what you're doing and what a normal purchaser does. Stores don't make survive by letting people "borrow" their merchandise.

Geez.. I can't believe you didn't jump on the Voom trial offer. You get a full refund if you cancel before March, I believe. Even if you don't have an HDTV you can rent one (like you're doing for the Superbowl) and get free HD programming for several months.

I don't know exactly how stores determine "open box" items but buying and returning certainly opens up the possibility that the store could lose money if they have to discount it for being returned.

As far as other options? If you can't afford it, DON'T BUY IT! How's that for an option. There's plenty of things I can't afford. I don't sit around trying to find ways to cheat the system and circumvent having to pay for it.

Make whatever excuses you want. It's still pretty lame.
Thank you everyone for your moral thoughts on sears return policy..
Does anyone know of a way to rent an HD OFA or Dish receiver. I plan to call a few local dealers Monday to see if maybe they would do something like that.
and Geez slicer I can't believe I didn't jump on that Voom trial offer either. Whatever that offer may have been. If it involved more dishes on my roof, I don't think I would have went for it anyway.

If you think stores aren't just repackaging returned items that are in working order then I think you are very mistaken.
SlicerMDM said:
I agree that it's pretty lame to buy something, use it, and return it -- knowing beforehand you have no intention of keeping it.

Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

If it was me, I'd have trouble sleeping that night ....
The Voom offer basically let you use the entire Voom service, absolutely FREE, for about 3 months. You simply cancel by the end of Feb (I believe) and return all equipment. Sounds right up your alley.

And yes, plenty of stores repackage opened, returned items and sale them at retail prices. Plenty others sale those same items as discounted "open box" items at a loss. Either way, stores don't exist for you to simply borrow their merchandise.

If you can find someone to rent you (or loan you) an HD receiver, more power to you.

Bill D said:
Could I buy and then return from maybe sears I wonder. ANy thoughts ??

Finally, you're the one that wanted everyone's thoughts about the "buy and return" scam. Don't get upset because people disagree with you.
At $180 a month it would only take them a year to pay $2,200 in which is the cost of the TV, probably not even that much at wholesale price that Sears gets it for.
Not to single out "Bill D.", but this thread just shows how low some people in our society will sink to get "something for nothing". A lot more of this goes on than the general public knows and it is costing businesses a LOT of money and, of course, they are passing those costs on to us.
Stargazer said:
At $180 a month it would only take them a year to pay $2,200 in which is the cost of the TV, probably not even that much at wholesale price that Sears gets it for.

It's actually not sears who rents. Its rent a center. but yes they obviously make money
Bichon said:
What is this world coming to, when people think it is okay to blatently abuse return policies like this?

You mention that you have a 721? How would you feel if you learned that it was used by someone for their Superbowl party before you bought it?

Or do you think Sears is a big company, they can afford to throw a $1000 receiver in the trash when you are done playing with it?

Amen brother!
Bill D said:
I already checked I do qualify for the cbs hd feed I'm in the nY area. I noticed sears had the 811, was wondering when they would get the 921. The 921 is cool for the simple reason that I can pause the game if I want. Again just wondering about ideas and option.
I also have a 61.5 dish already
As someone who also qualified according to the info, it aint that easy. You have to not be able to receive a CBS signal from any other markets (even 100 miles away). If you do, you need a waiver from that other CBS. That's a royal pain in the ass. Took me over a month to get that and a lot of people in my area who qualified did not get it.
As someone who also qualified according to the info, it aint that easy. You have to not be able to receive a CBS signal from any other markets (even 100 miles away). If you do, you need a waiver from that other CBS. That's a royal pain in the ass. Took me over a month to get that and a lot of people in my area who qualified did not get it.

I called dish and they said I qualify, so who else would not allow me to have it?
thanks for the info

CBS Outages - Austin???

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