Rental House - Recievers


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Original poster
Dec 28, 2003
Oregon City, OR
I have a rental house that is located across town. I have had it setup on a separate account, but is there any reason why I could not just add the 3 recievers to my main account with Dish at my house? The reason I ask, is this is included in their rent, and I would like to save some money if possible.

I have 2 recievers, a 622 & 522.
It's called account stacking and it's against Dish's rules.

It could technically be done, but the audit team calls people and asks you to read info off the system info screen from each receiver. The info changes every 10 minutes. (Location ID) If you don't give them the info or they hear you talking to someone else, they lock your account.

Why not make the people who rent pay?

That's what I do.
once you head into the 4-5 receiver range. It raises some kind of flag. It happened to me and 2 of my receivers I could not get to were deactivated and I could not reactivate them unless it was on a seprate acount. I ended up just selling them.
Illegal is a strong word but it isa violation of the residential agreement. Decide for yourself. We have been over this ground MANY times before.
iceshark said:
I find nothing illiegal or immoral about putting a receiver at our summer cabin. We dont rent it out and its ourselves paying and watching Dish.
Sign a contract and then intentionally violate it? The fact that you find nothing illegal or immoral about that says a lot about your character.:rolleyes:
iceshark said:
We have one at our summer cabin and have had it as a third unit for 8 years with ZERO problems!

Official Dish policy on Second Location/vacation homes from last weeks retailer chat.
· Second location/vacation homes policy
>Customers who have a Vacation Home or Second Fixed Location
can set up an account to receive DISH Network services
>Customers will NOT be allowed to share receivers between their primary residence and any other fixed location on a single account
>The customer will be required to create a separate account for the Second Fixed location/Vacation Home. This account will be allowed unlimited seasonal downgrades or service on this account

I guess you can keep trying to do it your way, but I think you are taking a chance of getting things turned off completely. The way they have the second/vacation home thing set up, it really isn't a bad deal, and you won't be breaking your contract either.
I am going to do that when their lease is up. I kept the service in their rent, as a feature to renting the house. People look at these things differently. The ppv is locked, and they can't add anything on the bill because they don't have the passwords.

I also don't see a problem with using a reciever at a vacation home, but I though that that is because I am using the service, not someone else.
kingbiged said:
...I also don't see a problem with using a reciever at a vacation home, but I though that that is because I am using the service, not someone else.

you will need to set up a second account for that vacation house
SaltiDawg said:
Sign a contract and then intentionally violate it? The fact that you find nothing illegal or immoral about that says a lot about your character.:rolleyes:

Too each his own! I find you to sound like a repressed lunatic. But again I think you would disagree. Just like I strongly disagree with your statement.

I signed no contract. Yes you will tell me that by agreeing to service I must meet some sub section listed on page 542 of the web page.

GOOD LUCK! I will continue to find NOTHING wrong with having even just put a unit in my motorhome as well for this summer. Fact is if I pay for service and pay for extra box I will watch dish ANYWHERE where I want.

Would I give a box to friend, neighbor or others. NO BECAUSE THAT WOULD BE WRONG! Its common sense.

Read what Slamin is posting. Its from the RETAILER CHAT! Sounds like he is a RETAILER wanting to make money from you!!!!! Not picking directly on you Slam but this is highway robbery and I know I am in the MAJORITY that do not pay for second service for this. Give it up!

Go pick on people who are weak enough to find validity in your comments:tux:
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Slamminc11 said:
you will need to set up a second account for that vacation house

YEA RIGHT! Dish rips us off in so many ways that border in a grey area. GO KEEP THAT AS AN EXTRA BOX AT YOUR VACATION HOUSE! Pay the 5 bucks as you should as that has always been the agreement. Dont let them try and fix a grey area and give you a wonderful read COST MORE MONEY THEN IS FAIR deal!

If the Dish police catch you then you lose. But I bet they wont.

There is NOTHING wrong with what MOST of us do with our DIsh service at our vacation homes or motorhomes! Nothing at all!:up
iceshark said:
YEA RIGHT! Dish rips us off in so many ways that border in a grey area. GO KEEP THAT AS AN EXTRA BOX AT YOUR VACATION HOUSE! Pay the 5 bucks as you should as that has always been the agreement. Dont let them try and fix a grey area and give you a wonderful read COST MORE MONEY THEN IS FAIR deal!

If the Dish police catch you then you lose. But I bet they wont.

There is NOTHING wrong with what MOST of us do with our DIsh service at our vacation homes or motorhomes! Nothing at all!:up

First off you arrogant SOB, I am not a retailer, just a customer. Second, I do hope they find you and shut you down, just because, in my opinion, you deserve it. You think you are above the rules and people like you are the reason the rest of us have to pay. So just keep hoping they don't find you and hope that I never find out who you really are, cause if I do, I wouldn't mind turning you into them myself! But that is just me and that is the way I play the game!
Slamminc11 said:
First off you arrogant SOB, I am not a retailer, just a customer. Second, I do hope they find you and shut you down, just because, in my opinion, you deserve it. You think you are above the rules and people like you are the reason the rest of us have to pay. So just keep hoping they don't find you and hope that I never find out who you really are, cause if I do, I wouldn't mind turning you into them myself! But that is just me and that is the way I play the game!

First off READ MY POST! There is nothing arrogant about being RIGHT! Second by not letting DISH RIP me off or TONS of others who like me have spent THOUSANDS and will continue to do so but will not be ripped off for bringing a receiver with us on vacation, GET A GRIP!

I find it funny that DTV even encourages you to bring your receiver with you in your motorhome. And we all know DTV is the devil.

Oh and find me, HECK I WILL POST MY ADDRESS! I have nothing to hide! So instead of so called playing the game, Go pick on someone who takes you serious.

Who left he door open here for these holy rollers.. MY GOSH! You would think I am talking about FTA or something. Oh I do have that too! Gonna slam me on the Hockey feed in the clear I watched today! Want to turn me in! Oh forgot, ITS LEGAL!!!!
by signed up with Dish to use their service you agree to abide by the rules they set out. Apparently you don't think you need to live by those rules, so yeah, in my opinion, that make you arrogant. You think you are above the rules.
Are they ripping you off? Then go somewhere else. No one is holding a gun to your head to stay, and as you have stated, Direct "encourages you" to take their stuff on the road. So why not head on over and head on out!?!
What bothers me are people who know what the rules are, and because for whatever reason don't like them, think they then don't have to play by them. Not you???
If you think you are so right, why don't you call Dish and tell them what you are doing and want to do and see how far you get? My guess is that you won't, won't call that is.
If "Holy Rollers" in your definition means not stealing from a company and following the rules that they have set out, then I am proud to wear that honor, but then again from the way you talk the word honor probably isn't in vocabulary! Just my observation.
Well, the Iceberg is in the same boat as Iceshark

We have a cabin/lake house/cottage and we have a receiver there. We've had one there for almost 8 years now

Bought a Dish500 and a 3000 a long time ago
swapped that 3000 to a 3900
upgraded to a 4900
then the place burned down

replaced it with a Dish500 and a 301
have had the 301 there for 4 years now

We have no issues with it. Do I feel "dirty" for doing it? noted above, its pretty much the same thing as a RV (which by the way...that reciever has a RV exemption from Dish) :D

MY GOSH! You would think I am talking about FTA or something. Oh I do have that too! Gonna slam me on the Hockey feed in the clear I watched today! Want to turn me in! Oh forgot, ITS LEGAL!!!!
thats pretty damn funny....oh no. I watched Ohio News Network today on my free to air system and I am in Minnesota....better call the cops.
Fellow friend and member, I have been in THE GAME most likely alot longer then you. I have been a Satellite company owner and have a dish farm out back. So I do not plan on going anywhere.

If you want to be technical I have been with Dish since Echosphere Corp started DISHNET in the mid ninety's. I sold Echostar and Houston Tracker Cband recievers. When I joined the contract SAID NOTHING ABOUT MULTIPLE UNITS! So I am not above or breaking any rule I agreed too. Do you not speed or cross not at an intersection? If you can say you dont then I guess you are better then us. If not then stop the Holy rollerness.

Last time, I DO NOT CONDONE SIGNAL THEFT OR LETTING SOMEONE STACK ON MY ACCOUNT! I do have a longstanding right as well AS YOU to bring my subscribed receiver with me to my vacation or motorhome. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG OR IMMORAL ABOUT IT!

Now I am sure you want your final word. I dont like that this has turned into a he said, she said, attack on one another. That was not my intent. It just is not fair that you are telling people they should lay down like dogs and pay for a second subscription like it is a good deal for wanting to bring their receiver with them a few times a year to there vacation home or their motorhome. So I will apologize if I sound rude or arrogant. IT is not my intent. I have read many of your post and think you offer great feedback and I just flatly disagree with your viewpoint on this one post. So in the end I will believe what I say is correct and you will believe you are correct and we have not done anything other then get each others blood boiling because we cant agree on this.

Your a good man and so am I, We are all good and we all have our strengths and beliefs in what we feel is moral and right.

I apologize if I have been rude. Not my intent.
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