Reply from


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jul 18, 2006
South Texas
Hi all,

I have a question. I have some issues with my account so I sent an email to My question is how long should I wait for them to reply? I sent the email yesterday and no reply yet so I'm wondering.

Thanks for the info.
Haven't sent one in more than 2 years, but thenthe reply came within hours. Not sure how quick the system is today. Give it a day and send it again if necessary.
Hi all,

I have a question. I have some issues with my account so I sent an email to My question is how long should I wait for them to reply? I sent the email yesterday and no reply yet so I'm wondering.

Thanks for the info.
Ever see the movie "Shawshank Redemption"?
If I were you I'd do an "Andy DuFresne"...
In the movie the character played by Tim Robbins wrote the state govt every day requesting books and such for the prison library until he got a reply. The state eventually met his requests. Most likely just to get him off their backs.
DO the same thing to Dish. Email themn every day until you get a reply.
Squeaky wheel....
You will have to wait till they reply or your patience wears out. Usually 24 hrswill get you a phone call if you provided the number.
Ever see the movie "Shawshank Redemption"?
If I were you I'd do an "Andy DuFresne"...
In the movie the character played by Tim Robbins wrote the state govt every day requesting books and such for the prison library until he got a reply. The state eventually met his requests. Most likely just to get him off their backs.
DO the same thing to Dish. Email themn every day until you get a reply.
Squeaky wheel....

LOL, this may be the way. Thanks everybody for the replies.
They got back to me within hours the first time. Ask again and make sure their address isn't blocked/filtered by your email.
Hi all,

I have a question. I have some issues with my account so I sent an email to My question is how long should I wait for them to reply? I sent the email yesterday and no reply yet so I'm wondering.

Thanks for the info.

I needed to talk with them after we suffered a loss of some of our service.

We had placed the service on hold while we spent the Winter in AZ. When we came back we were unable to get our previous service completely reinstated. After talking with several customer support types I gave up and emailed the CEO office at their regular email address.

I included my name, account number, email address and phone number and gave them a polite synopsis of the problem I had. It took two days, but I received a return email from a CEO rep which included his name, direct email address, and direct phone number.

I called the number he gave me and once he understood my problem he quickly fixed it and made some adjustments for me. In all, it was a very positive experience.

Be patient, and most of all, be polite in your emails and direct conversations with them and I think you will normally be able to resolve your problem.
I have some issues with my account...
Depending on the "issue", they may simply ignore your e-mail too, so if you don't get a phone call or e-mail within 1-3 days, forget it, they aren't going to. In many cases, they'll decide that their normal support or customer service departments can handle it.
Depending on the "issue", they may simply ignore your e-mail too, so if you don't get a phone call or e-mail within 1-3 days, forget it, they aren't going to. In many cases, they'll decide that their normal support or customer service departments can handle it.

OK, thanks for all the replies.

My issue is that my account is locked, this means every time I call the regular 800 number they tell me I need to call a "special" 800 number because they cannot do anything to my account. I call this number, the audit team, and go trough the audit.

Last time I did this, about 1 month ago, I was on the line with them for 2 hours, I hang up and call the regular number to inquire about an HD reciever and they tell me my account is locked, right after I went trough the audit. I call back tha audit team and same guy answers and tells me that he personally took the lock out of my account.

So two days ago I call the regular number and guess what? my account is locked again. This is getting ridiculous, that is why I want the CEO team to look into it.

Thanks for your comments and advice.
OK, thanks for all the replies.

My issue is that my account is locked, this means every time I call the regular 800 number they tell me I need to call a "special" 800 number because they cannot do anything to my account. I call this number, the audit team, and go trough the audit.

Last time I did this, about 1 month ago, I was on the line with them for 2 hours, I hang up and call the regular number to inquire about an HD reciever and they tell me my account is locked, right after I went trough the audit. I call back tha audit team and same guy answers and tells me that he personally took the lock out of my account.

So two days ago I call the regular number and guess what? my account is locked again. This is getting ridiculous, that is why I want the CEO team to look into it.

Thanks for your comments and advice.

Usally audit team A.K..A dish Nazi team put lock if they are suspicious of you sharing receiver at multiple location.

where to diplex?

Dumbest thing I've ever heard of (billing)

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