
SatelliteGuys Pro
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Feb 28, 2009
Altoona, Pennsylvania, United States
I know this question gets beaten like a dead horse, but is there any new talks of 24/7 RSN HD? I just ship so I could get it 24/7 but not really happy with the service. Besides contract that's the only reason I still haven't came back.

Dish met my other problems.

MLB Network

Whole Home DVR
No reason to believe they will be in full time HD. And yes, it's beaten to death.

Just goes to show, the grass is not always greener on the other side!

Even if it is, chances are it is just the septic tank below!
Sadly, nothing new on this front but they seem to be more consistent in at least keeping the professional games in HD. Of course the big test will be coming in April when the MLB season starts and during the NHL playoffs.
Sadly, nothing new on this front but they seem to be more consistent in at least keeping the professional games in HD. Of course the big test will be coming in April when the MLB season starts and during the NHL playoffs.

The NBA will still be in season at this point too. April is is the toughest month for RSNs on Dish.

It just seems like there would be room for full time HD now with all the CONUS HD being taken off of 61.5 on the EA and the conversion to 8PSK on the WA last week. I do agree though. Even though it seems like their should be space now I wouldn't hold my breath.
So far, at least in Chicago, the % of HD games on Dish has been much improved over previous years. I believe that 100% of the Bulls games on CSN or CSN+ have been in HD, and I only recall 1 Hawks game not being in HD this year, and one Hawks game being JIP. But we shall see when MLB goes full swing.
That was due to the fact MLB made that channel available to providers without having to grab MLB EI that was due to a change
I envy you all that can watch sports on RSNs in HD because we in Hawaii finally got one channel (CSNBA) in HD recently. I'm hoping that additional HD channels will be added soon so that we'd have the same complement as Hawaii DIRECTV subscribers.
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EA customers get 24/7 RSN HD's and WA customers don't? Full scale riot.

Most WA subs besides the ones on this forum don't even know there are 2 arcs. There would be no riot because 95% of the WA subs wouldn't even know they weren't getting the same thing as EA subs. Some of those that do know would be able to switch to EA if they cared enough.

I think its better to make some customers happy if they have the space now instead of holding everyone back because some can't get it.
Plus with the 1000.2 since the WA are stronger sats the signal strength is about the same as EA 1000.4.

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