Rumour of DISH 50 going HD..

Kevinw said:

I think this is a misinterpretation of the original 105 press release when E* announced that they were planing on an eventual up to 50 HD channels on 105 SuperDish, however a lot has changed and I do not think it was ever meant to imply an all HD AT50. Besides few if any of those channels currently in AT50 (AT60) even have plans for HD anytime in the near future. This report on that other forum is pure misinterpretation and wishful thinking fiction.
My thoughts exactly..if I recall someone stated something like this in a post of "What do we want Charlie to announce on the Chat tonight.."
How about the make a new product and call it the Dish HD 50.

It would be a Dish 300 relabled to the Dish HD50 and it would point at the Wing Sats. Free upgraded with 1 year sub to the HD 50 pack.

I think the above is just what someone was wishing would happen. Many things could happen.

I just hope they get a plan soon and let everyone know before too many switch to D*
I do not see this happeneing anytime soon.

There is not enough content for it yet. And even the announced upcoming channels would not comprise a top 50 package.

I think people are confusing that Dish said with the SuperDISH could offer up to 50 HD channels by the end of this year. However since the HD plans for the SuperDISH have been scrapped for now, it thros a monkey rench into things.

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