Harmony Remote to offer RF/IR


Supporting Founder
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Nov 17, 2003
North Arkansas
I just got an email response from Harmony Remote. They plan on offering an RF/IR remote later this year.

Here is the email I got from them:

HarmonyRemote said:
Hi Mark,

A lot of new devices that utilize RF can also bet setup to se IR as
well in the on screen menu. Check your devices to see if this is
possible. Harmony Remote will be creating an RF version of our remote later in


Nick Van Beek, B.B.A.
Harmony Remote
4310 Sherwoodtowne Blvd.
Suite 400
Mississauga, Ontario,
L4Z 4C4
tel 905-273-4571
fax 905-848-3108
toll free 1-866-291-1505

It would be nice for 522/811/921 Support! 8)
Wil la 508 or 811 accept IR signals for channel changing, stc. It would be nice to have a universal remote in my basement (for my 508 and 811) and still be able to use the RF remote for controlling the 508 from my master bedroom 2 floors up
If they do RF like others, the RF will simply be a transport mechanism to carry the IR signal. The IR signal is sent via RF to a receiver that transmits the IR signal to the components in the room.

I don't know that any of the currently available products send out a signal that is compatible with the antenna on the back of Dish's RF-capable receivers.

I hope I'm wrong and that Harmony's new remote will be able to do this without a receiver for the Dish receiver signals, but I doubt it.
Ransack said:
Wil la 508 or 811 accept IR signals for channel changing, stc. It would be nice to have a universal remote in my basement (for my 508 and 811) and still be able to use the RF remote for controlling the 508 from my master bedroom 2 floors up

I have used my harmony to control the 811, 6000, and 510 via IR. I absolutely love the Harmony... its the best $150 I ever spent.
aperry said:
If they do RF like others, the RF will simply be a transport mechanism to carry the IR signal. The IR signal is sent via RF to a receiver that transmits the IR signal to the components in the room.

I don't know that any of the currently available products send out a signal that is compatible with the antenna on the back of Dish's RF-capable receivers.

I hope I'm wrong and that Harmony's new remote will be able to do this without a receiver for the Dish receiver signals, but I doubt it.

It is very likely that this staement is correct and we're out of luck. This is the same as with the MX-600/800(?). According to HTMaster these remotes will NOT learn and duplicate the RF signals from another remote but will instead allow for sending the IR signals to a remote rcvr via RF.


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