Could you have 2nd Hopper3 on an account?
CURRENT SET UP: In the house is Hopper3 Plus 3 Joeys.
Would like to add the DISH Traveler DISH TV HD TRAV'LER Automatic Multi-Satellite TV Antenna | Winegard Company
RV SET UP: Ideally would have another Hopper 3 and 4K Joey. Could this work or am I stuck with Wallys for the RV?
NEXT Question is if I can add the 2nd Hopper for the RV would it be $7 vs $15 (Already paying $15 for the 1st Hopper in House) and then $7 for the RV Joey 4K?
CURRENT SET UP: In the house is Hopper3 Plus 3 Joeys.
Would like to add the DISH Traveler DISH TV HD TRAV'LER Automatic Multi-Satellite TV Antenna | Winegard Company
RV SET UP: Ideally would have another Hopper 3 and 4K Joey. Could this work or am I stuck with Wallys for the RV?
NEXT Question is if I can add the 2nd Hopper for the RV would it be $7 vs $15 (Already paying $15 for the 1st Hopper in House) and then $7 for the RV Joey 4K?