Some channels like LCNTV, Montana PBS, ArirangTV, and other were not viewable in SageTV v6.6. If you are using SageTV v6.6 be sure to download and install the latest native recording patch. The update will fix those channels and also fix some problems with dvb channel scanning. SageTV v7 does not have this problem.
First, replace the PredefinedDVBS.frq in the SageTV directory with the attached file PredefinedDVBS.frq. The attached file replaces the International satellites/transponders with North American satellites/transponders. If you want to add/delete satellites or transponder open PredefinedDVBS.frq in notepad, customize it, and then save it.
Open SageTV. At the SageTV main menu select "Setup", "Setup Video Sources", "Add New Source", select your dvb-s/s2 device, then select "Digital TV Tuner", select "Continue - Device Input to Use: Digital TV Tuner", the next screen should be "Select your DVB-s Providers". SageTV has a max of four satellites. If you select more than four satellites then during the channel scan SageTV will only scan the first four satellites you configured. At the minimum you need to configure one provider.
How to configure LNB options:
LOF1: Lo MHz for LNB
LOF2: Hi MHz for LNB
LOF SW: 0 for 22KHz tone off(uses LOF1), 11700 for 22KHz tone on(uses LOF2)
Diseqc switch port 1:
Diseqc switch port 2:
Diseqc switch port 3:
Diseqc switch port 4:
I have ku-band linear and c-band connected to a Ecoda 22khz switch my configuration is:
LOF1: 5150
LOF2: 10750
LOF SW: 11700
TOS1:Not Set
TOS2:Not Set
After configuring the DVB provider you should now be at the screen that gives you the option of "Use tune Cable TV" or "Use tune Antenna/Broadcast". Select "Use tune Cable TV". On the next screen select "Use US...Guide data with this source". On the next screen select "Cable or Satellite". Enter your zip code and then select a provider.
SageTV dvb channel scanning options:
Option 1:
When you run a dvb-s channel scan SageTV first loads the lnb settings you configured for the satellite you are scanning. Second, SageTV scans for channels using the transponders listed in the PredefinedDVBS.frq file. Third, SageTV then outputs the channels to a file called: name-of-tuner.frq . It is important to note every time a dvbs channel scan is run the channels previously found channels are deleted. SageTV has a limit of four satellites. In my opinion, the dvb channel scan is only useful if you are using fixed satellite(s) with a diseqc switch.
Option 2:
SageTV has the ability to import channels.
If you use the Macro in the excel file you can skip steps 2, 3, and 4. The file will be in the SageTV directory. The file is called: "replace-with-name-of-tuner.import"
1) Open the "SageTV DVB Channel Lineup" file in Excel, customize the lineup to fit your channel preferences, and then save the file in the excel format.
2) Click "Save As...", "Other formats", select the "CVS(comma delimited)" format, and then save the file.
3) Close Excel and open the "CVS(comma delimited)" file in notepad.
4) In notepad select "Edit", "Replace...", in the "find what" box type a comma, in the "replace with" box type a space.
5) Open SageTV. If you are using version 6, you will need to manually import the "ImportExportChannelLineup.stvi" file. If you are using version 7, you can install the Import/ExportChannelLineup plugin from the plugin manager.
6) In SageTV, select your Video Source and then in the Channel Setup, under the "Edit Channel Lineup", select "Import Channel Lineup".
7) Look in the SageTV directory for the file generated in the previous step. Rename your "CVS(comma delimited)" file or "replace-with-name-of-tuner.import" file to the "name-of-tuner.import" file name.
9) Your channel lineup should now be imported into SageTV.
10) If you choose to import a new channel lineup on the same video source, your best option is to do a "Clear Remapped Channel" before importing the new channel lineup.
Option 3:
Manually add dvb channels to SageTV. In the channel setup there is an option called "Add channel to Lineup". It is important that the "station id" match the zap2it epg id. SageTV uses the "station id" to retrieve the guide data. The attached "SageTV EPG Channel IDs.xlsx" contains the zap2it epg ids I have found for dvb channels that are or have been ITC. The "station name" can be what ever you want since it has no effect on the retrieval of guide data. Logical channel can be what ever you want. Physical channel number must match the channel number in the name-of-tuner.frq file.
How to do custom pre-tuning stuff(requires C/C++ programming experience):
SageTV can call a custom tuning function. To enable this functionally you must add a registry key. The attached DVBSpluginInstall.reg file tells SageTV to look for the file "dvbsTuningPlugin.dll" in the SageTV directory. If you want to change the name of the tuning plugin or the location where it will be stored then you will need to edit the DVBSpluginInstall.reg file using notepad. The "dvbsTuningPlugin.dll" is called every time SageTV tunes a dvb channel. SageTV looks up tuning info(frequency, pol, sat...) in the name-of-tuner.frq and then passes the data to the DVBSTuneProcess function. You can have the function do any pre-tuning stuff. In my case I call a program called "Translator", this program is included in the IrServerSuite software. Translator sends data to my IR blaster. My IR blaster tells my analog satellite receiver to change the satellite or polarity. My analog satellite receiver gives feedback to my computer via the parallel port. I have the tuning function sleep until the satellite dish has stopped moving and then allow SageTV to tune the dvb channel. A different setup could have the tuning function send diseqc data to a V-box telling the dish to move and then sleeping in the tuning function until the V-box says that the dish has stopped. I chose to use my analog receiver since I do not have a V-box and the V-box does not have the ability to change the polarity of my Co-rotor. So far everything works great. I select a dvb channel in SageTV and everything is handled automatically.
*Note: SageTV will randomly tune channels to check for guide data in the broadcast stream. To disable this functionally you will need to edit the file. Find the epg_data_source entry for you dvb-s/s2 tuner and look for "disable_data_scanning=false". Change it to "disable_data_scanning=true" and then save the file.
First, replace the PredefinedDVBS.frq in the SageTV directory with the attached file PredefinedDVBS.frq. The attached file replaces the International satellites/transponders with North American satellites/transponders. If you want to add/delete satellites or transponder open PredefinedDVBS.frq in notepad, customize it, and then save it.
Open SageTV. At the SageTV main menu select "Setup", "Setup Video Sources", "Add New Source", select your dvb-s/s2 device, then select "Digital TV Tuner", select "Continue - Device Input to Use: Digital TV Tuner", the next screen should be "Select your DVB-s Providers". SageTV has a max of four satellites. If you select more than four satellites then during the channel scan SageTV will only scan the first four satellites you configured. At the minimum you need to configure one provider.
How to configure LNB options:
LOF1: Lo MHz for LNB
LOF2: Hi MHz for LNB
LOF SW: 0 for 22KHz tone off(uses LOF1), 11700 for 22KHz tone on(uses LOF2)
Diseqc switch port 1:
Diseqc switch port 2:
Diseqc switch port 3:
Diseqc switch port 4:
I have ku-band linear and c-band connected to a Ecoda 22khz switch my configuration is:
LOF1: 5150
LOF2: 10750
LOF SW: 11700
TOS1:Not Set
TOS2:Not Set
After configuring the DVB provider you should now be at the screen that gives you the option of "Use tune Cable TV" or "Use tune Antenna/Broadcast". Select "Use tune Cable TV". On the next screen select "Use US...Guide data with this source". On the next screen select "Cable or Satellite". Enter your zip code and then select a provider.
SageTV dvb channel scanning options:
Option 1:
When you run a dvb-s channel scan SageTV first loads the lnb settings you configured for the satellite you are scanning. Second, SageTV scans for channels using the transponders listed in the PredefinedDVBS.frq file. Third, SageTV then outputs the channels to a file called: name-of-tuner.frq . It is important to note every time a dvbs channel scan is run the channels previously found channels are deleted. SageTV has a limit of four satellites. In my opinion, the dvb channel scan is only useful if you are using fixed satellite(s) with a diseqc switch.
Option 2:
SageTV has the ability to import channels.
If you use the Macro in the excel file you can skip steps 2, 3, and 4. The file will be in the SageTV directory. The file is called: "replace-with-name-of-tuner.import"
1) Open the "SageTV DVB Channel Lineup" file in Excel, customize the lineup to fit your channel preferences, and then save the file in the excel format.
2) Click "Save As...", "Other formats", select the "CVS(comma delimited)" format, and then save the file.
3) Close Excel and open the "CVS(comma delimited)" file in notepad.
4) In notepad select "Edit", "Replace...", in the "find what" box type a comma, in the "replace with" box type a space.
5) Open SageTV. If you are using version 6, you will need to manually import the "ImportExportChannelLineup.stvi" file. If you are using version 7, you can install the Import/ExportChannelLineup plugin from the plugin manager.
6) In SageTV, select your Video Source and then in the Channel Setup, under the "Edit Channel Lineup", select "Import Channel Lineup".
7) Look in the SageTV directory for the file generated in the previous step. Rename your "CVS(comma delimited)" file or "replace-with-name-of-tuner.import" file to the "name-of-tuner.import" file name.
a) If you are using a DVB tuner with SageTV you will need to make a copy of the "<tuner>.import" file and change the extension of the new file to ".frq"
8) In SageTV, select "Import Channel Lineup".
9) Your channel lineup should now be imported into SageTV.
10) If you choose to import a new channel lineup on the same video source, your best option is to do a "Clear Remapped Channel" before importing the new channel lineup.
Option 3:
Manually add dvb channels to SageTV. In the channel setup there is an option called "Add channel to Lineup". It is important that the "station id" match the zap2it epg id. SageTV uses the "station id" to retrieve the guide data. The attached "SageTV EPG Channel IDs.xlsx" contains the zap2it epg ids I have found for dvb channels that are or have been ITC. The "station name" can be what ever you want since it has no effect on the retrieval of guide data. Logical channel can be what ever you want. Physical channel number must match the channel number in the name-of-tuner.frq file.
How to do custom pre-tuning stuff(requires C/C++ programming experience):
SageTV can call a custom tuning function. To enable this functionally you must add a registry key. The attached DVBSpluginInstall.reg file tells SageTV to look for the file "dvbsTuningPlugin.dll" in the SageTV directory. If you want to change the name of the tuning plugin or the location where it will be stored then you will need to edit the DVBSpluginInstall.reg file using notepad. The "dvbsTuningPlugin.dll" is called every time SageTV tunes a dvb channel. SageTV looks up tuning info(frequency, pol, sat...) in the name-of-tuner.frq and then passes the data to the DVBSTuneProcess function. You can have the function do any pre-tuning stuff. In my case I call a program called "Translator", this program is included in the IrServerSuite software. Translator sends data to my IR blaster. My IR blaster tells my analog satellite receiver to change the satellite or polarity. My analog satellite receiver gives feedback to my computer via the parallel port. I have the tuning function sleep until the satellite dish has stopped moving and then allow SageTV to tune the dvb channel. A different setup could have the tuning function send diseqc data to a V-box telling the dish to move and then sleeping in the tuning function until the V-box says that the dish has stopped. I chose to use my analog receiver since I do not have a V-box and the V-box does not have the ability to change the polarity of my Co-rotor. So far everything works great. I select a dvb channel in SageTV and everything is handled automatically.
*Note: SageTV will randomly tune channels to check for guide data in the broadcast stream. To disable this functionally you will need to edit the file. Find the epg_data_source entry for you dvb-s/s2 tuner and look for "disable_data_scanning=false". Change it to "disable_data_scanning=true" and then save the file.
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