Satellite 129 signal strength increase?


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Mar 6, 2006
I haven't been following everything with sat 129 lately, but the other day i was on RAVE and decided to check my signal strength, and it showed 97. Previously I had been only getting in the high 70's or 80. Was something done lately to boost sat 129's signal strength? tia
I have a stupid question - how do you check your signal strength for a specific channel? I know how to see the signal strength for a satelite and transponder, but do you have an easier way to get that information?

Thanks in advance!
KenSoren said:
I have a stupid question - how do you check your signal strength for a specific channel? I know how to see the signal strength for a satelite and transponder, but do you have an easier way to get that information?

Thanks in advance!
Each channel is on a transponder. The transponder signal strength = the channel signal strength. If you go to the menu and check the signal strength, it'll fill in the satellite and transponder of the channel that you were watching when you hit the menu button.
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mdonnelly said:
Each channel is on a transponder. The transponder signal strength = the channel signal strength.

Understood - but it sounded like there might be an easier way to get the signal strength for a specific channel without having to know which satelite and transponder they are on. Maybe this was wishful thinking on my part.

Like I said - probably a stupid question.
brg606 said:
I haven't been following everything with sat 129 lately, but the other day i was on RAVE and decided to check my signal strength, and it showed 97. Previously I had been only getting in the high 70's or 80. Was something done lately to boost sat 129's signal strength? tia

The signal strength on that satt fluctuates wildly all the time..Check your signals every 10 minutes for a couple hours..You will see some large variances in signal strength..
Dish claimed that they were going to boost signal strength on 129. They said this at the last tech chat.
KenSoren said:
Understood - but it sounded like there might be an easier way to get the signal strength for a specific channel without having to know which satelite and transponder they are on. Maybe this was wishful thinking on my part.

Like I said - probably a stupid question.

ken, just go to the channel you're concerned about, then hit the system setup, then diagnostice (i think), then point dish and it will display the satellite and transponder for that channel.
guffy1 said:
The signal strength on that satt fluctuates wildly all the time..Check your signals every 10 minutes for a couple hours..You will see some large variances in signal strength..

guffy, i understand how it fluctuates, but at my house it used to fluctuate from 60-low 80s. it never came near 97 until i checked it a few days ago. i'm definitely not complaining, just wondering if anyone else noticed this at their house.
brg606 said:
I haven't been following everything with sat 129 lately, but the other day i was on RAVE and decided to check my signal strength, and it showed 97. Previously I had been only getting in the high 70's or 80. Was something done lately to boost sat 129's signal strength? tia

Since 3.63 TP31 has been consistently above 90 on mine (93-94). Other TP are lower than they were. There are several threads with more detail. Would be great to have more details.

They moved National Geographic HD from transponder 22 to 30. The signal here in NW WA St. (with a 24" dish) went from around 80 (tp22) to 90-92, but when it wobbles the signal still drops to 40 with pixelation, breakup and occasionally loss of signal-picture.

An improvement over transponder 22 for sure, but the real cure is a satellite that doesn't WOBBLE.

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