Satellite and stregnth?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jul 1, 2004
I just got my dish installed the other day, so called professional install (What a couple of young meat balls). They did not want to be hear at all, they rushed the whole job and complained about dish the whole time. They did not work for dish, they had a rented van with New York Plates, Any way,
I live in Connecticut and want to check the dish alignment and signal strength. I don't know how to do this nor do I even know what satellites I'm using. Can some one explain this for me or tell me were I can get the info?
The two meat balls did not Even stick around and Wait for the service to be up and running.
Who can I make a complaint with? I ordered through SBC
Thank You
Press the MENU button then "6", "1", "1" and you will get to your signal strength screen. What kind of satellite did they put up? A Dish500 or a SuperDish?

You can try to call Dish and complain but that probably will not do any good unless the install was not done properly then perhaps they will send out someone to fix the job.
Not sure what system they put in, It says Ecostar 119 west and fluctuates between 107 and 109
blovkisle9 said:
Not sure what system they put in, It says Ecostar 119 west and fluctuates between 107 and 109

That signal for 119 is very, very good. Now, when you go to Menu 6, 1, 1, the dish alignment, click the right arrow and that should highlight 119. Click the up arrow and that will highlight 110. Click the center button and that will bring up what your signal for 110 is. If it's around what you got for 119, you are in fat city. Remember something that used to be said about not judging a book by its cover? So far, it sounds like your installers did a pretty good job, signal wise.
thanks for the help, im a bit confused. My point dish screen shows zip code/dish type 300/ tuner input 2 / tranponder satelitee 08 / 119.
when I highlite 08 and press select it says "locked- EchoStar 119 west signal strength 107 and when I highlight 119 and press select it says "locked- EchoStar 119 west signal strength 107"
When I change the 119 to 110 and press select it says locked- EchoStar 110 west signal strength 90.
Thanks again

It is best to check your signal on transponder 11 or 12. Some of the lower transponders(1-9) are spot beams & don't show both 119 & 110 signals. Just highlight the transponder # on the signal strength screen & push the up arrow on your remote to get up to 11. Then highlight the check switch box & see what it comes up with. Post the results & someone can let you know if you are good to go or not.
Does the dish outside say Dish500 (a round dish) or does it say SuperDish (an oval bigger dish)? If it is a SuperDish then you are also supposed to be receiving signals from 105 or 121. You can browse through your channels to see if you have one that says "Congradulations You have a SuperDISH system pointed at 105 W.L. (or 121 W.L.). I know that the 105 SuperDish channel is on 7000. I am sure someone could post the one for 121 that has one.
Two, with NY license plates, on an SBC Dish install? In CT?


(reaches for the Pepto...)

SBC is extremely particular about their installs and we who do their work are NOT to leave before it is up and working. Sadly, I clean up a lot of these that aren't.

Make sure the dish is grounded back to service ground as well as all coax lines. If not, call SBC Dish and complain.

Make sure the service is working properly for the channels you've ordered. If not, call SBC Dish and complain.

Make sure they used C-clips w/screws in any external siding or cable ties with the screw mounting ends for hanging bundles. Make sure they used only insulated staples if at all, and only in the basement or attic. Make sure they DID NOT use nail straps of the sort for affixing Romex cable to wood anywhere. Make sure they DID NOT run the interior cabling over or under any doorways. Make sure they waterproofed the lag bolts on the mast. Make sure they waterproofed the penetrations. If not, call SBC Dish and complain.

A trouble call will be issued and followed up on. Chances are, it will be me or someone I work with who gets it.

BTW all, SBC isn't doing SuperDish in CT to my knowledge and TCs on these are rare. Mostly independent dealers offer it right now. The majority of stuff not on 110&119 is gotten on 61.5 in CT.
Thank you I will check the things you mentioned above.
It is not a Super dish. and
119 "locked- EchoStar 119 west signal strength 107"
When I change the 119 to 110 and press select it says locked- EchoStar 110 west signal strength 90.
I'm concerned because I loss signal for short while during the storms yesterday.
I love the system and I just hope that this will not be a problem.
I'm a licenced E-1 Electrical contractor so I ended up running the cable to TV two because the way they were going to do it was unacceptable, and I had to do the phone line, they said they do not do it even though SBC said they would. Not a big deal just the principle.
Stupid me I still gave a $20.00 tip and cold beers.
Thanks again
Some rain fade is going to happen. As long as it's not on a clear windy day or a light shower... you should really only lose signal in heavy rain (like the kind you don't want to get stuck out in)
OK, Just did all above advice, Thanks every one!
Now just three more things and I will not bother you again. (I hope)
1-When I go to point Dish, Why is the Transponder number always different?
2-Ive seen covers advertised for the dish to prevent rain fade. (junk or great)
3-How do my numbers look?
*locked- EchoStar 119 west signal strength 107
*locked- EchoStar 110 west signal strength 90
blovkisle9 said:
OK, Just did all above advice, Thanks every one!
Now just three more things and I will not bother you again. (I hope)
1-When I go to point Dish, Why is the Transponder number always different?
2-Ive seen covers advertised for the dish to prevent rain fade. (junk or great)
3-How do my numbers look?
*locked- EchoStar 119 west signal strength 107
*locked- EchoStar 110 west signal strength 90
1- the channel you are watching selects the transponder and satellite.
3- What transponders are these if they are transponder 11 on both satellites I would say 110 is slightly low if they are spot beam transponders they really tell nothing. :(
blovkisle9 said:
OK, Just did all above advice, Thanks every one!
Now just three more things and I will not bother you again. (I hope)
1-When I go to point Dish, Why is the Transponder number always different?
2-Ive seen covers advertised for the dish to prevent rain fade. (junk or great)
3-How do my numbers look?
*locked- EchoStar 119 west signal strength 107
*locked- EchoStar 110 west signal strength 90
1. I've noticed the transponders jump around depending on either whimsy or what channel you were most recently on when you accessed that menu. I have no proof of which. Pay it no mind. Just know that not all transponders on both birds may be on. As long as all programming you pay for is received, that's all you're concerned about.

2. Rain fade will happen in a severe enough storm no matter what you do and we had a few downpours here in CT recently. It gets worse if the dish is placed with line of sight nearly parallel to the roof slope, at the base of that slope. Rain hits the roof, vaporizes into spray, and goes right back up it front of it. Covers don't do a whole lot. You need a bigger dish to cut the effects of rain fade. Unfortunately, Dish doesn't allow their contractors to upcharge for special extras like larger dishes, etc. I recommend finding an independent installation company in CT that does both Dish and Direct which can get you a larger dish if this really bothers you.

3. Your signals are fine. Anything over 85 on either one will cause few if any problems and your signal level is much higher. Don't worry. Some will insist that both be over 100 but the design of the standard dish mount that Dish Network issues makes micro-accurate peaking difficult. Few installers have the time or patience to use the old trick of replacing certain nuts with wingnuts and using silicone lube to make moving smoother.

SBC should know very damn well that the installers WILL NOT run phone line. Being an E-1 you are no doubt aware of the limited electrical licenses in CT such as the T-1 which the DCP specifically requires to do any telephone work. They rarely enforce the V-7 on cable and DBS, but they quite often enforce the T-1, especially since SBC SNET techs make a point of protecting their union turf by reporting violations. For an SBC Dish installer to run a phone line is to risk losing their jobs very quickly. Of course, when not grounding causes problems on the phone lines to the receivers and SBC techs find that, it also doesn't help.
blovkisle9 said:
OK, Just did all above advice, Thanks every one!
Now just three more things and I will not bother you again. (I hope)
1-When I go to point Dish, Why is the Transponder number always different?
2-Ive seen covers advertised for the dish to prevent rain fade. (junk or great)
3-How do my numbers look?
*locked- EchoStar 119 west signal strength 107
*locked- EchoStar 110 west signal strength 90
A1: It'll be the last transponder you watched. Select 11 & 12 so that you are always doing apples-to-apples comparisons.
A2: Covers are good for keeping snow from building up but they do nothing for rain fade.
A3: See A1 - We MUST know the transponder number. Assuming 11 & 12, 90 is OK, but can be improved with patient peaking. If you understand the concepts, and are really having rain fade more often than you should, then try it. First thing to do is lightly 'lean' on the dish using your hand without loosening anything. See what happens to your signal. This should give you the idea of how sensitive the aim actually is. Only proceed if you are confident.
Here is what I ended up getting for a signal:
How do they look?
Wayd Wolf said:
... I recommend finding an independent installation company in CT that does both Dish and Direct which can get you a larger dish if this really bothers you.
... Some will insist that both be over 100 but the design of the standard dish mount that Dish Network issues makes micro-accurate peaking difficult. Few installers have the time or patience to use the old trick of replacing certain nuts with wingnuts and using silicone lube to make moving smoother.
Gosh, I guess those 2 wingnuts with NY plates somehow managed to "micro-peak" one of those tiny dishes that E* gives us. Bet they didn't even have a "dual-peaking" meter either. :p :D
Thanks everyone!
Let me see if I got this straight? The numbers I reported above are OK, and rain fade should not be really be a problem during normal rain. I understand about down pours.
I apologise for my ignorance, I am brand new with satellite and know absolutely nothing.
SimpleSimon said:
Bet they didn't even have a "dual-peaking" meter either. :p :D
I don't think they did, the one on the roof had a cell phone and the one inside used my phone.
blovkisle9 said:
Thanks everyone!
Let me see if I got this straight? The numbers I reported above are OK, and rain fade should not be really be a problem during normal rain. I understand about down pours.
I apologise for my ignorance, I am brand new with satellite and know absolutely nothing.

I don't think they did, the one on the roof had a cell phone and the one inside used my phone.
Oh yeah - your numbers are fine - no worries. Also, don't worry about your newbieness - it washes away quite quickly by reading this forum. :)

I assume the guy inside was watching the Point Dish signal strength. Horrors! How could anyone possibly aim a dish using THAT instead of meter costing sometimes hundreds of dollars? Oh. Never mind. I forgot. I've aimed dozens of dishes that way - including BUDs. :D

Actually, the Point Dish screen can be the best way to do it - it's long reaction time "helps" you go slower when moving the dish, which leads to better peaking. :)

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