Satellite Dish Question


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Feb 10, 2004
NE Ohio
In checking I will need to face my dish S/W for the 110/119 locations. If I wanted 61.5 would I need another dish facing more S/E? Im trying to see what might be better for me given the trees surrounding my property.
The Dish 500 is at 110/119..This is where most programming is.

Depending on your location, if there are locals on a wing dish, those are at 61.5 or 148. 61.5 for the east coast, 148 for west. The Mississippi river kinda divides the 2 (not always true.) Depending on your location, 61.5 is more east, 148 is west

All HD right now (except for CBS-HD) is on 110..CBS is on 61.5 OR 148.
Also, depending on your location, in some areas the 61.5 satellite is higher up in the sky in which makes it easier to get the signal in if you have trees in your area. In other areas it may be just the opposite although it may be the other slot that you need to point to.

stop complaining, it will not get us anywhere

921 OTA Reception -Problem mine or theirs?

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