stop complaining, it will not get us anywhere


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Jan 25, 2004
Land O Lakes, FL
i have been viewing the satellite guys posts and posting for sometime now. i am getting tired of when dish is going bad, everyone wants to jump to directv and vice versa.

the current complaints are the 811 receiver and the possibilty of losing cbs.

i agree both of these are real complaints and should be corrected as soon as possible.

i have been waiting for about 5 weeks for an 811 but am not going to email to ceo just to get the 811 any sooner. ( even if i have to wait more than the 6 weeks as promised, i do not plan on emailing ceo to get the 811 sooner. i would rather have it working correctly before i get it than get it earlier and than complain ( about it not working correctly. yes i do aggree with everyone that it should have been tested properly before it was released.

what everyone has to remember here is that us, the people at the satellite, is a very small minorty when it comes to people subscribing to dish network. look at one of scott's post ( this site has just reached 3000 thousand subscribers. does anyone think that the people here will play that great of an impact on what the other 8 million people think? (yes i know it is more than 9 million people), but for the arguement, lets pretend that we are at the 1 million mark. you would have to be stupid to cater to the lower percent just to make the lower percent happy.

i would think everyone would agree that not that many people live and die for hdtv. don't get me wrong, i bash dish every chance i get for not delivering more hdtv, but if YOU where running the company and less than 10 percent is demanding something, how far would you go to piss the other 90 percent off by raising rates to please the minority.

with regards to cbs. i said in another post that i agree with charlie for not giving into viacoms blackmails. yes, most major markets will be in limbo, but for the average dish subscriber, they will not want to pay a 5 to 15 percent increase for NICK GAS.

yes, i know i will be flamed for this post, but let's give dish a little credit here for looking out for the best interest of the MAJORTIY of the subscibers.
korsjs said:
i agree both of these are real complaints and should be corrected as soon as possible.
Then why are you telling other people to stop complaining?

yes i do aggree with everyone that it should have been tested properly before it was released.
Then why are you telling other people to stop complaining?

what everyone has to remember here is that us, the people at the satellite, is a very small minorty when it comes to people subscribing to dish network.
But, we are a representative example of Dish subscribers as a whole. (SG also has more objectivity than another popular satellite forum and less Dish groupies, so you don't see as much bashing of those that voice legitimate concerns with their Dish products and services, which is nice.)

...don't get me wrong, i bash dish every chance i get for not delivering more hdtv...
Again...then why are you telling other people to stop complaining?

with regards to cbs. i said in another post that i agree with charlie for not giving into viacoms blackmails. yes, most major markets will be in limbo, but for the average dish subscriber, they will not want to pay a 5 to 15 percent increase for NICK GAS.
I think most would agree. Viacom is trying to leverage Dish the way Microsoft leverages PC manufacturers. It's bullsh*t. The "complainers" would just like to see a resolution, and are concened that they may lose a major portion of their programming. Can you blame them? Personally, I don't see it happening. Viacom does not want to lose 10 million viewers, and Dish does not want to lose a major portion of its programming.

yes, i know i will be flamed for this post, but let's give dish a little credit here for looking out for the best interest of the MAJORTIY of the subscibers.
Why do you know this? Personally, I usually see more flaming coming from Dishies towards individuals who make negative comments about Dish, than the other way around.
People will never stop complaining. People just LOVE to complain. Even if everything worked the way it was supposed to people would still complain about not having some special feature they think is important, or the color of the device, or << insert any subject matter here you want >>

Look at YOU. You're complaining about how much people complain.
actually I would say this board makes a lot of impact on what Dish does. Thought I read somewhere before that Dish looks at this board for suggestions, etc... on software updates and what not. Granted I'm sure they don't use this board as gold and take everything said on here for what it's worth, but I'm sure it makes an impact to their decision.

Look at me, I emailed their executive team three times and got my 811 to me after 5 weeks during the peak of its shortage. Good for you if you want to wait, but I didn't and mine works awesome, besides the small complaints everyone else has, but I can live with that. If you already have HD then yeah for you, if not you are missing out and if you want to wait, well again yeah for you, I didn't.

But then again I guess complaining about people complaining is kind of an oxymoron isn't it?
I would like to complain about the amount of complaining that people are complaining about complaining. It doesn't serve a purpose but push over-posted compaints over the complaint-level set by my complaining tolerance level.
bcshields said:
I would like to complain about the amount of complaining that people are complaining about complaining. It doesn't serve a purpose but push over-posted compaints over the complaint-level set by my complaining tolerance level.

I would like to complain about your complaining about the amount of complaining that people are complaining about complaining. :D
This argument is pointless.

Let's get back to arguing bout something IMPORTANT like gay marriages!

GaryPen said:
But, we are a representative example of Dish subscribers as a whole. (SG also has more objectivity than another popular satellite forum and less Dish groupies, so you don't see as much bashing of those that voice legitimate concerns with their Dish products and services, which is nice.)
I hardly think a few thousand high-end people spending days on internet forums is a representative of how the average, non-HD ready consumer thinks. If you think 3000 (at most) is a good representative of 10,000,000 take a statistics course. You are thinking dish should take a 0.03% sample and direct its company with it. Not even a random sampling at that. Not gonna happen.

I think most would agree. Viacom is trying to leverage Dish the way Microsoft leverages PC manufacturers. It's bullsh*t. The "complainers" would just like to see a resolution, and are concened that they may lose a major portion of their programming. Can you blame them? Personally, I don't see it happening. Viacom does not want to lose 10 million viewers, and Dish does not want to lose a major portion of its programming.

I dont blame folks for getting angry if Viacoms hit the crapper. The mindless threads about "Charlie wont swallow his pride." and others suggesting this is Dish just being difficult with Viacom just make me shake my head in disbelief.

Why do you know this? Personally, I usually see more flaming coming from Dishies towards individuals who make negative comments about Dish, than the other way around.[/QUOTE]
We may have 3,000 registered members, but we have over 50,000 unique IP addresses visit here each month, and that number is going up more and more each month.

This site makes a huge impact on the operations of each of the satellite companies. Believe it or not most if not all posts are read by all satellite companies.

We have a huge impact on the operations at Dish Network, trust me, when the 811 deal came out and I announced it here, the call centers at Dish were flooded with people trying to get on the deal. Remember at this point this deal was only mentioned here at SatelliteGuys, not at DBSTalk and not at DBSForums. Dish was shocked we could flood their lines like that. And I have been told that the shortage of 811's was because of the post here, they never expected that many people to want a 811.

I myself may complaign about Dish a lot, but my feeling is that if we complaign we can help the company fix its problems. Remember it has been said that one of the best customers a company can have is one who voices their complaints, and the worst customer a company can have is one who does not voice their concerns and cancels their services.

I must admit I do talk bad about Dish and their management at times, but truthfully I am friendly with all of them.

Ultimately we are not olny giving people a place to voice their concerns and praises, but we are also giving the satellite companies a place to learn about what they are doing wrong and what they can do to fix things. :)
Complaining about issues and being unreasonable are two things.

I dont think posts and threads like "That damn Charlie raised my rates to buy a new house and he wont sign with Viacom cuz he's cheap" or "Charlie is a billionaire and why does he raise our rates out of such greed" or "E* wont give me a 921 for free so im cancelling"

... are all unreasonable things that E* would/should just IGNORE. The more crap like that we get on this forum, the less likely E* is to look at this seriously.
Sigh, back with your sarcasm I see.

You said 0.03% was a representative sample of the subscriber base, not me.

But, we are a representative example of Dish subscribers as a whole.

And who cares if your thoughts echo Scott's. The guy runs the forum not E*. Or am I missing something?

Your comment about SG not being full of "dish lovers" or the like is wrong. Lots of folks subscribe to both and you will see this, after you spend more than a week here. You came here a few days ago like a little whimp when you didnt get the response you wanted at dbstalk.
bsic said:
Sigh, back with your sarcasm I see.
You are correct sir.
You said 0.03% was a representative sample of the subscriber base, not me.
I said that SG is a representative example. (As Scott points out, it's actually quite more than the 3000 registered members.) But, I did not say that Dish should direct it's company with it. I only suggest that they listen. I believe Scott has pointed out that they do.

And who cares if your thoughts echo Scott's. The guy runs the forum not E*. Or am I missing something?
I think you are.

Your comment about SG not being full of "dish lovers" or the like is wrong. Lots of folks subscribe to both and you will see this, after you spend more than a week here. You came here a few days ago like a little whimp when you didnt get the response you wanted at dbstalk.

There's really no need to get personal. I've been lurking both of these boards for an equal length of time, as well as other sat, hdtv, and ht forums. I still post to dbstalk, probably more than to SG.

I'm sure there are plenty of Dish customers here. After all, I am one myself, and have been one since 1998. I am a relatively happy customer, who has issues with the way they have handled the 811 release and susequent support. Currently, I have no plan to change service, but that may change when my current contract expires.

OTOH, there IS far less bashing here of those who voice discontent with Dish products or services. Being a happy Dish cusomer is a far cry from the irrational brand loyalty demonstrated by those I call "Dishies", but most refer to as "Dish homers". For those people, Dish can do no wrong, and to point out a problem or issue with Dish is some kind of blasphemy. There are definitely less of those people at SG.
GaryPen said:
I said that SG is a representative example. But, I did not say that Dish should direct it's company with it. I only suggest that they listen.

OK, fair enough mistake. If you dont expect then to direct company decisions with the data here, then you expect them to look at opinions here, listen, and do nothing else. You are splitting hairs here because you have no response, and thought you were oh-so witty with your response.

I think you are.

Ok so what am i missing then? I really thought Scott ran this forum and not E*, and you said Im missing something. Your typical fashion of responding is to shoot a quick sarcastic answer with no meat, just like you in this case. YAWN.
bsic said:
OK, fair enough mistake. If you dont expect then to direct company decisions with the data here, then you expect them to look at opinions here, listen, and do nothing else. You are splitting hairs here because you have no response, and thought you were oh-so witty with your response.

Ok so what am i missing then? I really thought Scott ran this forum and not E*, and you said Im missing something. Your typical fashion of responding is to shoot a quick sarcastic answer with no meat, just like you in this case. YAWN.

So that whole "no need to get personal" thing went over your head like a cruise missile, eh?

( the risk of being incredibly off-topic, both my responses AND I have plenty of meat, thank you very much.)
GaryPen said:
So that whole "no need to get personal" thing went over your head like a cruise missile, eh?

( the risk of being incredibly off-topic, both my responses AND I have plenty of meat, thank you very much.)

Your response didnt answer either question, ie no meat.

So answer my question- nothing personal. What am I missing about my comment with Scott/E*?

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