Saving Dish timers


Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Apr 15, 2010
Our Dish DVR gives us LOTS of timers. However, with seasonal program changes along with sports, specials and movies, I find I run out of timers and have to delete some of the off season timers. It would certainly make life easier if I could somehow save and reload these timers. Anyone have a solution?
Our Dish DVR gives us LOTS of timers. However, with seasonal program changes along with sports, specials and movies, I find I run out of timers and have to delete some of the off season timers. It would certainly make life easier if I could somehow save and reload these timers. Anyone have a solution?

Don't schedule timers so far ahead. 2-3 days max should help the issue
Don't schedule timers so far ahead. 2-3 days max should help the issue

I think you missed the point of his question. These are weekly timers of seasonal episodes. You have summer shows and Fall shows and midseason (January) shows. Anyone have a solution,since I agree? My dvr is almost full of timers. Of course, some may be canceled before they have a chance to return.
I don't have problems (right now) with the 96-timer limit.
I have Hopper problems with the excessive to-be-discarded repeats hitting the 576-event limit.
When I had 722s I found I could schedule timers using Remote Access (bye-bye) beyond that.
The only problem was that you could not add locally another timer until you got below 96 timers.

722K's allow you to save timers to your remote. I would think that would also be a feature of the Hopper too. But someone that has one will have to answer that question.
Yup Hopper saves timers to remote. Automatically on a weekly basis, too. I noticed on my 722k that there is no actual option to restore timers once saved. The only time I actually was able to utilize the restore function was when I got one swapped out. On Hopper I can restore the timers any time I want.
Yup Hopper saves timers to remote. Automatically on a weekly basis, too. I noticed on my 722k that there is no actual option to restore timers once saved. The only time I actually was able to utilize the restore function was when I got one swapped out. On Hopper I can restore the timers any time I want.
You can restore timers on the 722k, I'm pretty sure. Have just never had to do it.
As I said, have never seen the option on my 722k to restore to the same receiver as the one backed up. The only time I saw the option to restore was when I replaced one one time...
I don't have problems (right now) with the 96-timer limit.
I have Hopper problems with the excessive to-be-discarded repeats hitting the 576-event limit.
When I had 722s I found I could schedule timers using Remote Access (bye-bye) beyond that.
The only problem was that you could not add locally another timer until you got below 96 timers.


I add a few extra timers in case of timer conflict. i.e. " The Good Wife" is setup as an off air timer AND a SAT timer in case of conflict or local storm. That coupled with one time events like movies, specials or sports uses them up when you try to keep ALL seasons programs!!
I add a few extra timers in case of timer conflict. i.e. " The Good Wife" is setup as an off air timer AND a SAT timer in case of conflict or local storm.
Why not use a single Seek and Record (Dish Pass) timer to handle both?

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