Saving timers for reload into Hopper


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Sep 8, 2003
I went through this a couple of years ago when my 622 was replaced due to a flaky HDMI port. At the time, my only option was to take pictures of my timer screens and re-enter them in the new machine. Pain in the butt.

With the Hopper coming, I'm wondering if there is a more elegant solution. If DISH expects a large number of existing customers to convert, they are going to get a lot of complaints when customers realize their timers are gone.

Does DIRT have any insight?
It's like when you trade in a car, make sure to empty the trunk.
If you now have a ViP722K or a ViP922, you can back them up to your remote. If not, whip out the camera.
When did that happen? Never heard of it. Which remotes work to backup a 722K?

20.0 and 21.0. Although you can back them up, jury is still out if you could actually restore to a Hopper, but I would hope so.
Stupidest idea ever! There should be a Save button somewhere on Dish Remote Access. Problem solved for all VIP DVRs, regardless of remote.
Stupidest idea ever! There should be a Save button somewhere on Dish Remote Access. Problem solved for all VIP DVRs, regardless of remote.
Agree, or even to a USB flash drive or EHD would be better. Guess the thinking everyone will have a remote, but an extra button to "backup settings" under the "my media" menu (or anywhere else) would be portabe across all the VIP DVRs.
steve4810 said:
OK, next stupid question... How?

On 20.0 press and hold zero for the wizard to come up. Must be pointed at receiver (722k). Then follow the screen.
On 20.0 press and hold zero for the wizard to come up. Must be pointed at receiver (722k). Then follow the screen.

I bet when I first set up the receiver I skipped reading the manual heading called "backing up" to do some other time. :rolleyes:
Like JM42 said, back up to a thumbdrive or EHD would be great. Also, how about using dishonline/DRA to save a copy of them? you can already view, edit, etc. from a browser or smartphone, why not add a backup feature to copy the timers list?
Well, it takes some manual steps to restore, but you could also go to DishOnline, save the window contents of your browser, and then use DishOnline again once your Hopper is installed to set the timers back up from that list. (Assuming Hopper still supports DishOnline :) )

WOW!! 15 yrs later...Me and Dish!!

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