Sears Web Site Lists 311, 811, 921


Original poster
Sep 26, 2003
Check this out:
Ha $999 for the 811?

Although I do find this interesting I thought that Charlie said that the 921 would not be sold by the Chain stores.

Very interesting though.
Good find. :D
There got to be a mistake on the price on that site. They are practically given an 811 and a 921 for the same price $999. Which one you think you will get? :)
Charlie may have indicated that the Echostar 921 would not be available in chain stores but a JVC Executive advised me in August that their 921 would be available at Sears.

Occasionally Sears runs a 10% off store wide sale. I wonder...........
I think it's interesting that they list the 811 as having IEEE. Knowing that JVC makes D-VHS recorders, I have to wonder if Dish added that to JVCs, or if is a mistake, which considering it is Sears, is probably the most likely.

I just spoke with a sales representative at a local Atlanta Sears store. He indicated that a Dish Network Representative will be in the store this Friday to brief them on new promotions that will begin next week. He was unable to give me an arrival date on the JVC921 but he did confirm that the 10% off sales were more frequent than I realized. This particular store just finished this type of sale last week. These sales cover ALL ITEMS in the department.
I'm interested in 10% off, plus no interest for a year. They do that all the time. It's the only way I can afford it.
If you purchase a JVC 921, will it be covered by the dish network basic extended warranty. The Dish Network extended warranty states it needs to be Dish Network brand.

ToddG said:
If you purchase a JVC 921, will it be covered by the dish network basic extended warranty. The Dish Network extended warranty states it needs to be Dish Network brand.


I have a JVC 6000 I bought at Sears and had a Philips 2700 I biught at Target and both were covered under the extended warranty.

Cool, I put myself on the email notification list for when it comes in stock at my local Sears. This is good news though...... I can see them getting at least a few in that I can grab one as soon as they ship.

Time to pay a visit and see if I can get on a waiting list. I also have a credit card account so I will watch to see when the next 10% off sale hits.......
Looks like I may have to go to Sears and talk to CSR's more clueless than Dish!

I'm curious what will come up on their screens when they punch in the SKU number. I'll stop by tomorrow. My gut feeling is that Sears will have very limited quantities when Dish finally does release it.

The $100 savings would be pretty sweet, but if I have to wait a couple of months, its not worth it to me. Hell, I've waited long enough!
it's been awhile now and i just can't remember, but weren't there initially two models of 921 (jvc and e*) and wasn't the jvc model supposed to have a few less features than the e* model?
excellent. if one can be patient enough, a 10% off sale would be a nice bonus. of course we still don't know what specials (if any) will be out there for current subscribers.
Alan Gordon said:
I think it's interesting that they list the 811 as having IEEE. Knowing that JVC makes D-VHS recorders, I have to wonder if Dish added that to JVCs, or if is a mistake, which considering it is Sears, is probably the most likely.


They also list it as having RF output (chan 3/4) and no mention of the UHF remote. 3 potential mistakes!

Finally, DISH told me how to fix everything on my 721!

What do we do with our old Dish 500s?

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