Selling a 721 and 2 301's

For a refurb'd and used 721 I can offer you $250. If you dont get another offer, let me know...

Cool, let me know.

One more offer. $300 if you pay for shipping and take this offer today. :)

Oh crap, I forgot we need to get some paint for the house...

Skip the $300 deal and let me know if you are interested in $250 in a week and I pay the shipping.

I'll give ya $325 for the 721, including shipping, your choice of carriers, shipped to Central PA. (zip 16801) I can even either paypal you, or drop a check in the mail today.

I'm assuming the remote and smartcard are included with the 721?
Java, Yes the remote and SC included. Keep in mind the sale wouldn't go down until late next week at the earliest. Are you cool with that? Is UPS Ground okay with you? I have 2 other people interested so let me know.
sparker said:
Java, Yes the remote and SC included. Keep in mind the sale wouldn't go down until late next week at the earliest. Are you cool with that? Is UPS Ground okay with you? I have 2 other people interested so let me know.

Yup, I'm cool with that. And if you accept the $325 offer, I'll still pay you today if you'd like. My wife always says I am too trusting.... Timing isn't critical to me, I've got a 501 and a 508 at home that can live to see another week then. (On a related note, I have a 501 and a 508 to sell now :) )

dp 21s for sale

OK, time to sell some Dish network stuff

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