Senators vs Panthers on CI

The Fat Man

aka. Dr. Fat Man
Original poster
Lifetime Supporter
Oct 2, 2010
Land where we pronounce our "R" as "ah"
Ok so I'm enjoying the CI, and just caught the tail end of Ottawa vs Florida. What was with the Public Access Old VHS home video camera production of this game? I know that CI covers the SD feeds of games, but WTF happened here? Does anyone know?
Ok, so I tried to answer my own question. Just by looking at Florida's tv schedule, they seriously have games that aren't broadcasted on any local tv? So CI provides that crappy coverage. Not Ottawa's signal? Not have NBCSN, TSN, or CBC provide coverage to CI. There's another game at Carolina on March 21 that looks to have the same issue.
Sorry to you fans in Panthers territory.
I watched it too. It looked like the internal feed normally used for the Jumbotron in the arena with the addition of the play clock. In Buffalo we have similar capability that is used to feed the scoreboard, broadcast Buffalo Bandits Lacrosse via Internet, pre-season hockey games, etc. Many times NHLCI will not pick up the Canadian feeds.

Florida does not broadcast all of it's games locally. Teams like Florida and Atlanta are (were) known not to telecast some of their road games either. It happens quite often in Buffalo. You can usually tell by the number of cameras being used to record the game and the obvious lack of a crew in the visiting team broadcast location in the press box.
We have that in Boston as well, just never seen it on CI. Didn't CI use to carry TSN feeds. I thought they usually did carry Canadian feeds, just in SD.

You are correct in that most times the Canadian SD feeds are carried. I have Gamecenter and find that several times the Canadian (away) feeds are not available there either.
Center Ice rarely carries Canadian Teams home feed in HD. Center Ice usually carries the Toronto Maple Leafs home feed in HD. Once in a while you will see another Canadian feed in HD but very rarely.

What about this weekend with Hockey Day In America? NBC has three regional games at 12 p.m. (EST). Your local NBC affiliate will only carry one game. Will the other two games be available in NHLCI that are not shown locally?
I am a huge sports fan but Hockey is my least favorite of the 4 major sports. I do follow the Redwings but I don't watch them religiously like I do with the Tigers but I have to say I am really enjoying the CI free preview. I would consider buying that or NHL gamecenter next season if they came down to or below MLB.TV's price.

I don't know the answer to your question nrholland. I can tell you that for the MLB Saturday regional games on FOX the other regional Fox games are blacked out of MLB.TV. They also don't allow other TV broadcasts even in home markets during the Saturday regional games or the Sunday national game. You get the Fox regional game in your area and nothing else. I don't know if the NHL uses the same blackout rules.
nrholland said:
What about this weekend with Hockey Day In America? NBC has three regional games at 12 p.m. (EST). Your local NBC affiliate will only carry one game. Will the other two games be available in NHLCI that are not shown locally?

It depends on the NHL's contract with NBC. I haven't had access to Extra Innings since switching to Dish, but when I was on cable, FOX regional Saturday games weren't on Extra Innings because of the MLB's contract with FOX. By the way it looks, I'd say no. Which sucks, because why pay for Center Ice if you can't gain access to every out of market game despite who is broadcasting the game.
Does anyone know how long this free preview lasts. I'm really enjoying it but I assume it will be taken down before tonight's games.

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