Setting Manual Timers on ISH Hopper With Sling

Peter Parker

Formerly Geronimo
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Sep 9, 2003
I know I have sone this in the past b ut cannot seem to recall how. I ran a search but it either leads to threds saying it is not possible or ones that provide incorrect information. Can anyone with a better memory help?
I know I have sone this in the past b ut cannot seem to recall how. I ran a search but it either leads to threds saying it is not possible or ones that provide incorrect information. Can anyone with a better memory help?
I think it is the same as the Hopper 3. For a 54 remote click on your DVR button, select the Timers tab, Options button on the remote, and then select Create a Timer. For a 40 remote DVR button, Timers tab, select the red button on the remote, and then Create a Timer.
I think it is the same as the Hopper 3. For a 54 remote click on your DVR button, select the Timers tab, Options button on the remote, and then select Create a Timer. For a 40 remote DVR button, Timers tab, select the red button on the remote, and then Create a Timer.
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Setting Manual timer on DISH Hopper w/ Sling

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