Shipping Receiver to Canada


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
May 11, 2004
Hi all,

I've decided to Ebay an old 301. I've indicated that I am willing to ship to US buyers. A Canadian asked whether I would be willing to ship to him in Canada if he prepaid the UPS charges.

My question is ... "Would I be violating any laws if I were to ship a 301 into Canada ... even if shipping is paid for by the recipient?"

I honestly have no idea about whether this is legal, but it sounds sort of hinky to me ... I seem to remember reading something about how Canadian customs would confiscate any such devices.


I sold my 4700 to a Canadian buyer. He just had me indicate a USD value of $10.00 and make sure the term "Used Receiver" was on the shipping label. Make sure you check with UPS for the required paperwork.

LER said:
I'm not sure what E* would think, as they are not, to my knowledge, licensed to operate in Canada.
Reception of Directv and DISH signals is illegal in Canada. There are a lot of receivers there(I guess they are on vacation) see if you can sell it to an American address.
I'm sure E* wouldn't like it - but it's the buyer's problem to get it activated as long as you're selling him a 'clear' receiver & card.

It happens all the time. Free markets rule!
SimpleSimon said:
I'm sure E* wouldn't like it - but it's the buyer's problem to get it activated as long as you're selling him a 'clear' receiver & card.

It happens all the time. Free markets rule!
Most Echostar manufactured receivers in Canada are not activated with either Dish or Expressvu
I appreciate the input. So far it looks like the buyer will be either an American or a Canadian with an American address. The individual who posed the original question doesn't seem interested anymore.

Thanks and all the best...


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