Should E* offer an AT-HD package


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Sep 9, 2003
My original Dish installation 3 years ago was a 301 with the AT150 package. But, after upgrading to a 501 and then a 6000, I dropped the AT package completely since I'm only interested in HD programming and my locals (for news and sports).

A subscriber with the AT50 and a DVR will pay only $25/mo and will pay an additional $5 DVR fee for a total of $30/mo. And Dish Latino subs can get their package for $27/mo

But a subscriber with a 921 who wants only the HD programming will pay $36/mo (10 HD package, 14 HBO, 12 SHO) but will be charged a $5 access fee plus a $10 DVR fee for a total of $51/mo.

So I'd like to see Dish offer a $36 AT-HD package that qualifies for the AT-50/Latino discounts. In fact, when additional HD programming is added, I'd like to see them offer a tiered HD plan (i.e. silver, gold, platinum kind of thing).

But I suspect that right now, I may be in the minority on this one and that many of you would be getting one of the basic SD packages anyway for other viewing needs. But the best way to find out is with a poll, so cast your vote and let's see what turns up.
Besides, the Showtime and HBO HD Channels will never be available outside of their respective packages.
jerryez said:
Dish needs to add a lot more HD channels to their basic HD package, before they tier in gold and platinum.

And a lot more HD channels will not happen in 2004 because there's not enough space for that on the 110 bird. Maybe 1 or 2, but that's about it. However, in late 2004 when the new sat is moved to the 105 slot, we could see a shift back to the SuperDish for additional HD channels in 2005 and beyond.

Cyclone said:
Besides, the Showtime and HBO HD Channels will never be available outside of their respective packages.

Actually, offering the HBO and SHO HD channels only with the respective package's SD channels is a round about way of getting HD subs to pay $12-14 for a single HD channel.

As for tiering HD, in my area, Comcast's digital plans are offered in gold, silver and platinum plans which are only distinguished by the number of premium packages included. So if E* adds only Cinemax-HD they could follow that lead and offer a tiered HD path.

However, my interpretation of Charlie's latest comments at the the Retailer chat is that he's looking for new and unique HD content rather than just adding HD channels carrying a lot of the same programs already carried on the channels he's got.
EdV said:
Actually, offering the HBO and SHO HD channels only with the respective package's SD channels is a round about way of getting HD subs to pay $12-14 for a single HD channel.

Considering that the Showtime and HBO packages did not increase in price when the HD channels were added, and that they cost the same without the HD channel. I would have to say that you are wrong and the HD channels are provided by SHO and HBO to their exisiting customers at no extra charge.

But if someone it dumb enough to pay nearly $30/mo for two channels, then I'm sure they'll be more than happy to take that money. A fool and their money are soon parted.
They're going to have to get ALOT more HD programming before I'll
pay $36 dollars for it,plus Cyclone is right they won't be breaking up
the movie packages to seperate out the HD movies.
Cyclone said:
But if someone it dumb enough to pay nearly $30/mo for two channels, then I'm sure they'll be more than happy to take that money. A fool and their money are soon parted.

And while you're at it Cyclone, don't forget about all those soon to be broke idiots wasting their money on 2 bottles of wine instead of a case of beer.
I can see from the replies and the way I worded the poll question, that it I was suggesting unbundling the HD channels from the HBO/SHO packages, but I wasn't. The $36 package would be the HD-package plus HBO and SHO packages at the current prevailing rates.

But the issue is that a Latino subscriber with a DVR pays $22/mo plus a $5 dvr surcharge. Yet an HD oriented customer subscribing to 60% more in programming fees will be penalized with an additional $15 surcharge.

But based on the voting so far it's probably moot as I suspected at the outset. As of this morning, an overwhelming 87% of you have said that because there are enough compelling SD programs in the AT packages, you would subscribe to one of them anyway. And I'm not surprised either, what with lots of family oriented programming there. And when my sister recently asked for help switching from cable to Dish, I had her list the cable channels she watches in order of preference. At the top of her list was the Food channel.

In spite of the surcharge inequity, getting all of the HD channels offered by E* is still a pretty good deal. Setting the DVR fee aside for the moment, it's $41/mo with the access fee tacked on and I'm getting the local digital channels OTA with a cheap indoor antenna.

To get essentially the same HD channels from Comcast here would be twice that at $82/mo.

DISH Takes Locals List to 100 Markets

When is there going to be a large shipment of 921s?

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