I think you are missing the point here, I was with Direct TV for 4 years before switching to Dish, I only switched to Dish cause when I finally got around to wanting a DVR, Direct TV wanted me to pay $300 to upgrade my old non HD equipment to an HD DVR, So I choose to switch to Dish Network cause they offered me a free HD DVR 722 and only charge $100 for 2nd 222. Plus my monthly bill was going down by almost $20 per month. I figured it was a good deal. But while I was with Direct TV they never raised my price till my original contract was over and that is Direct TV official policy as long as your are under contract and make no changes to your account your price will not change. I never said they dont have a right to change programing, Sure they but if you are total choice package and signed a contract to pay $49.99 + month + $5 for locals, +5 equipment fee those prices will not change durning your contract term. You will get whatever channels total choice includes, if they add new channels you get them, if they drop channels you loose but your price will not change at all.
That is like you signing up with ATT for wireless on 500 min plan for $39.99 and agreeing to a 2 year contract then after 1st year ATT says we are going to change your price from $39.99 to 69.99 and if you dont like the new increase pay the ETF. People would go apeshit and what dish network does is no difference at all. You dont have agree with me either.
My grip with dish is not over a $2-3 increase it is over the fact they charge you an upfront fee to lease the boxes then can more than double the lease fee. If you don't like the new lease fee, then you have pay to change receivers and then could double the lease fee on your new receiver again next year for all you know. Like I said at least with Cellphone companies, DSL and Direct TV if you sign up for X package your price will be Y durning your contract term. After your contract expires your rate will goto current rate and if you dont like the current rate then you can cancel with no ETF as your contract is over.
Dish on the other hand raises your price any time they fell like, if you dont like it, they pretty much tell you pay the ETF as you are under contract and we can do whatever we want per our contract. I am not disputing that their contract allows them, just stating they are most consumer unfriendly company around. I personally choose not to do business and I personally think others should be given fair warning about it.
1 more thing to think about here, You lease a car, you pay X amount upfront and agree to pay $100 a month for 3 years but after 2 years car companies tells you we want $150 a month from you now to continue to lease your car if you dont like it then you have pay us an early termination fee. I bet you would go ape sh*t so how is what Dish is doing any difference?