Significantly Viewed Channel Question

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SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Oct 14, 2005
I live in Bradford PA (16701) and receive the Buffalo NY locals which I have no problems with. WPSU in State College PA also broadcasts into my area ( ). Would this qualify as a SVC? If so does one just call Directv and ask for it?

I've tried to use that tool and any DMA I select shows nothing available. That's why I was kind of curious if any is receiving neighboring channels.
I hadn't seen or heard anyone mention it, Makes me curious if D* wants you to do the research and then they'll confirm or deny. If I ask D* better to go thru the regular CS or try retention?
the last time I asked directv about SV channels they told me that they are waiting for some kind of legal issues to be resolved and once those are resolved it will probably be late this year or early next before we see SV channels launched nationwide. Of course this was in May.
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