SIRIUS v. XM valuations

Love my XM but Sirius was pretty good in a Hertz rental I had last week. I liked that they had NPR and a few other news stations that XM wasn't covering. It had some problems (occasional dropout and huge antenna) but I attribute these more to the cheap Audiovox add-on tuner than to their service. Not entirely thrilled with Alpine XM radio that I am using either. With 140 stations, it would be nice to have a scan button for instance. ;)
Sirius has a great growth potential with their near-term entry into video services. I am sure there are going to be many mini-vans and SUVs out there for which this will be a "must have" addition to their video entertainment units - as long as it is sold at the right price point.

Tivo's New Business Model

DTV Financials Q1 2004

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