Skew can it be off on Lnbf ?

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jan 5, 2006
Chicago suburbs.
Can the Skew be off on a Lnb , I've tweaked and tweaked and just don't get optimum results where it should be. - 43.4 , I calculate is at 7:00 yet I get better results with no skew or slightly counter clockwise between 5:00 and 6:00.

Anyone have this happen ?

Today I setup a stationary dish on Hispasat , all TP's but one came in pretty strong , I played around with just about everything including skew, my motorized dish was my reference and I turned Lnb to same position.

Anyone know of a skew diagram that shows where all numbers are at, my invacom Lnb has numbers for skew, but my Extreme II doesn't.
Way different on my Invacom, but since you pointed out 0 skew mark , it now makes sense and that means it is exactly where it should be, thanks for the illustration, I never would have found it.
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