Sling Extender


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jun 14, 2011
Denver, Colorado
With all the interest and questions about the Sling Extender, we wanted to get as much information as possible for you. We did some digging and now are able to pass this news on to you. The Sling Extender is no longer being developed and there are no plans for its release. Unfortunately, this is all the information we are able to provide.
Thanks for this info. Solidifies my decision to drop Dish network!

It will go into my decision also when my contract is up in april and too many thing they show at ces and dont come through on :) after 12+ years with dish i may end it and go with direct something dish will have to do that is big to change my mind :)
For those like me who could not have cared less about it to begin with...."Meh!"
[Expletive deleted.] But, but... Rumor had it that it was working well with the 922. Seems a terrible shame to throw in the towel for those customers too. :(
I've been a Dish subscriber on and off since 2000. I feel like Charlie Brown and Dish/Echostar is Lucy pulling the football away. Between this and the scam rebate I never got from the processor "forced" on Detroit25 by DISH, their complicated fees, I'm gone. Will be calling Charter and ordering a real DVR from tonight.
I would call direct before charter since charter and there equipment sucks imo .direct has much better dvrs and whole home and a new dvr the hr 34 :)
I've been a Dish subscriber on and off since 2000. I feel like Charlie Brown and Dish/Echostar is Lucy pulling the football away. Between this and the scam rebate I never got from the processor "forced" on Detroit25 by DISH, their complicated fees, I'm gone. Will be calling Charter and ordering a real DVR from tonight.

That's fine and all but LOL @ Charter. You think that they're going to come up with anything innovative? We have the option for Charter here and I would go without TV before I ever chose Charter TV!

As for the Extender, oh well, I'd rather XiP anyway (hopefully that's not vaporware!)
Charter has the channels I watch in HD. I don't care if Dish or DirecTV have a billion HD channels, I don't watch most of them. I want a Tivo, a real Tivo. DirecTV's implementation is about 4 years behind, and I can sign up for Charter without a contract. If DirecTV comes up with something I want, I can switch in 6 months. However, as of this day, Dish Network and Echostar are both dead to me.
Well I now feel completely ripped off. I paid $200 to upgrade to a 922 earlier this year solely because the extender was coming and I could have HD on TV 2. I have not used sling otherwise nor have I any desire to otherwise use it. Now I am out $200 and I am stuck with a receiver costing me an additional $4 a month. I am going to have to take a serious look now at Directs new HR34 or multiple HR24s with WHDVR. I know the XIP series is "coming soon" but I am not going to fall for that again.
I paid $200 to upgrade to a 922 earlier this year solely because the extender was coming...

Why would anyone do this with any company? Making a puchase decision based on any sort of unreleased product or feature is a always losing game.

If a product doesn't do what you want now, then don't purchase it. If a later release sweetens the deal its just a bonus.

Dish is not alone in this, I doubt there is a tech company out there that has not abandoned announced or previewed products/features before release.
Why would anyone do this with any company?
Dish is not alone in this, I doubt there is a tech company out there that has not abandoned announced or previewed products/features before release.
And then there are those that go ahead, then publicly admit they shouldn't Logitech and the Revue. My guess is that Dish/Echostar simply looked at the number of 922s and sling adapters out there and realized there was just not a big enough market, and a loss was certain. If so, applauds to them for not making a stupid business decision just to placate a relative few.
My guess is that Dish/Echostar simply looked at the number of 922s and sling adapters out there and realized there was just not a big enough market, and a loss was certain.

That's been my guess all along. I don't believe they saw no hope of getting it to work with the 722s, more likely just cut their losses. As much as they already have invested, if they could make the numbers work, they would find a way to make the software work.

I've never liked the idea of Sling for inside the home anyway. With the 813/110 in the (relatively) near future its not like the Extender would have been a long lived product.
Well I now feel completely ripped off. I paid $200 to upgrade to a 922 earlier this year solely because the extender was coming and I could have HD on TV 2. I have not used sling otherwise nor have I any desire to otherwise use it. Now I am out $200 and I am stuck with a receiver costing me an additional $4 a month. I am going to have to take a serious look now at Directs new HR34 or multiple HR24s with WHDVR. I know the XIP series is "coming soon" but I am not going to fall for that again.

Anyone in my opinion who spends money solely based on the announcement only of a new product is asking for trouble. I can point you to hundreds of vaporware from many manufactures, at the time one of the biggest Mitsubishi TV just for starts.

DIRT Help Please.

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