So is E* just going to hold out until Mar. 31 to announce not carrying MLB EI?

Well folks I went ahead and bought the MLB package from their web site. The cost is $19.95 a month for the premium package. Between that and my XM radio I will be able to keep up with my Yankees. So far I am very pleased with the service on MLB. If by chance I do have trouble I can always cancel. After all that has happend, I just don't see Dish getting the EI package. Well I swap to DirecTv? Well cross that bridge when my contract expires in October.
I do believe that Charlie needs to look at how much money his EI folks spend on their Dish bill. I bet its higher than the average Dish customer.
E* used to offer the HD Package as a standalone. They quietly last June with no fanfare they did away with that package with no notification to their subscribers.

I would gladly get rid of the AT Package at this point and go back to HD Only given the choice - but its not there - which has me rethinking my whole E* commitment as E* is essentially out of the HD business now - as every channel is either converted to mpeg4, down rezed or is has errors in it they will not fix.

So why should they make an announcement about MLB EI just because they offered it in the past?
E* should be carrying MLB EI this season. Its next season that is up in the air. So why announce it beforee the start of this season?

Many have made the same mistake you have made but it isa mistake. The new deal with D* starts in 2007 not 2008.
Well folks I went ahead and bought the MLB package from their web site.

I was considering getting the online version, but I have gotten so used to using a dvr a LOT during the games ------ I record and start watching about an hour into the game so I can skip commercials and also rewind a lot to make my own "instant replays". In the past I have purchased a couple of games on that weren't broadcast on EI. I was pretty dissapointed with it. It continually buffered and would lock up when I used the pause button --- I would have to reset and start at current live spot, therefore missing everything from between where I paused and live tv. Have you tried to pause, rewind, fast forward, etc.? If so, how is it? Can you start watching a game after it has started and watch it from the beginning? Or do you have to wait until it's over and archived to do that? Thanks! I don't really want to switch to D* if I don't have to because I would end up paying more for less channels (have priced it already), and their dvr (R15) sounds like a piece of crap from all reviews and forums.
I have heard we should hear something from Dish by the end of the week.

We will keep our ear to the ground and let you know what we hear.
Look at Charlie's track record. My bet is that he is hoping for intervention by congress, or he's preparing to file a suit that includes an injunction from the 3/31 date. It's very unlikely that he'll try to negotiate in good faith, or at all, before the 11th hour.

Don't assume anything on the matching proposals. We all know that carriage of MLBTV is expected, but we don't know what financial terms are involved, or if there are other non-financial conditions. We know that D* and MLB are not itemizing for the public; InDemand has not said what is specifically offensive to them; and neither has Charlie.

If the terms were truly off the wall, wouldn't a significnat player have leaked them in-detail by now?

As paying subscribers, you expect your provider to negotiate in good-faith to get you the best available programming. You don't expect your provider to litigate every deal into submission while you miss programming. Don't get tweaked that other providers outbid yours; be very upset that your provider did not fight for you -- because that is what's happening. You don't need help from congress. You need charlie to cut a deal.
The real significance of the 3/31 date is that it is just before opening day. If Charlie does not sign by then he has no right to carry MLB. If he asks for an injunction to stop opening day well then the day of Ragnarok is upon us.
SO if those are the terms then in fact they AREN'T getting the same deal which is what both baseball and Directv were crowing about. As much as I want to have EI Charlie should just let it go.
Absolutely they have.....they must pay the same thing as D*, carry the MLB channel and do not get the 20% ownership that D* gets.

Where did you read that? I'd like to see it. I've seen "match the terms", but no explicit statement of those "terms".

Contracts can have a lot of fine-print. $700M for 7 years may include a bunch of things that are not part of EI. It may include the equity-stake in MLB channel. It may include rights-fees to re-distribute to InDemand & Dish.

When it comes to this kind of thing, I only trust it from the source, not hearsay. I only trust it if I read statements confirmed by D* or MLB.

In this case, not saying anything is a masterful move by Charlie & InDemand. D* is unable to claim it's an exclusive until after opening day, limiting their ability to cash-in. It also gives irate fans some time to cool-off and make rational decisions; probably some people who were ready to switch last week will change their mind by 4/1. And in the meantime, Charlie & InDemand work on congress and continue to play your anti-D*/anti-MLB emotions like a harp.
When it comes to this kind of thing, I only trust it from the source, not hearsay. I only trust it if I read statements confirmed by D* or MLB.
Unfortunately, in these types of negotiations the public almost never has any insight into the real details of the deal. The parties that make the deal usually don't revveal specific terms, either. All we usually have to go on is "hearsay".
Unfortunately, in these types of negotiations the public almost never has any insight into the real details of the deal. The parties that make the deal usually don't revveal specific terms, either. All we usually have to go on is "hearsay".

I'm aware of that... that's why I asked. HDTVFanAtic wrote otherwise, I'd like to verify it myself if he's got real sources.

FWIW, I have not read anything stating that D* and/or MLB have even confirmed the value of the deal. Without first-hand confirmation, the $700M number is nothing more than rumor; and with that as rumor, InDemand and Charlie are not telling anybody what makes a deal impossible. Is it another Charlie-BS-blizzard?
When it comes to this kind of thing, I only trust it from the source, not hearsay.

lol...then you must believe nothing on this entire website :rolleyes:

I've already ripped your fact wanting ass to shreds with facts in the other thread and won't spend more time on you because you live in some fantasy land full of denial of the truth and have no clue how to use a search engine.
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I just recently switch from D* to E* for some minor discounts that my wife's company was offering. At the time I switched E* was still offering MLB and now they are not plus we are beyond the 30 day cancellation period. Anyone got any ideas how I can get out of the 18mos committment w/o incurring the $240 fee?
I just recently switch from D* to E* for some minor discounts that my wife's company was offering. At the time I switched E* was still offering MLB and now they are not plus we are beyond the 30 day cancellation period. Anyone got any ideas how I can get out of the 18mos committment w/o incurring the $240 fee?
Email, and let them know why you want out. They're the only ones that might be able cut you a break (but don't count on it). You made your bed, now you have to sleep in it.
I just recently switch from D* to E* for some minor discounts that my wife's company was offering. At the time I switched E* was still offering MLB and now they are not plus we are beyond the 30 day cancellation period. Anyone got any ideas how I can get out of the 18mos committment w/o incurring the $240 fee?

I would also call DirecTV and tell them the situation. Since you are a recent customer, and probably have the equipment you need (they will have little or no re-acquisition costs to get you back) - they might cut you a good deal - especially if you take a sports subscription like MLB. For most new subs they have to subsidize the cost of equipment and installation, etc., and that is reported to be quite a few hundred dollars per account on the average I believe.

It's worth a try.
I would also call DirecTV and tell them the situation. Since you are a recent customer, and probably have the equipment you need (they will have little or no re-acquisition costs to get you back) - they might cut you a good deal - especially if you take a sports subscription like MLB. For most new subs they have to subsidize the cost of equipment and installation, etc., and that is reported to be quite a few hundred dollars per account on the average I believe.

It's worth a try.

Not a bad idea.
So .... does anyone know why around 2 pm this afternoon the EI channel said a game was in a rain delay? It just seems odd that it would say that for a channel they don't even offer ?

BEV 5900 or Dish 510?

vip211 and IR

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