New channel seems to have launched on Directv on channel 563. Thought it was an internet only channel like Cheddar but seems to be a normal satellite channel?
Correction: The "So Yummy" channel is actually on the Ka-hi band T14 satellite at 99W ....Ran a SHEF query on it, and it shows as an MPEG-4 SD channel on the Ka-lo band T11 satellite at 99W.
But it's sorta funny in that I notice the picture is slightly jerky during movements as though it's is an internet fed program coming through DIRECTV's "Play From Beginning" feature or some other.
EDIT: Oh, it's also ("very") wrongly labeled in the in the guide as a 1080p HD channel. ....
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Yeah, that and like most DIRECTV SD channels nowadays it's in 16:9 letterbox format. Which of course translates into a windowbox image on HD/UHD screens unless you zoom in on it. ...Ew, such a blurry SD channel... lol