Some D* installers in Florida are doing a bad job

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That would be really bad that they're cutting on safety just to cut down on costs. I mean how much do ground wires cost anyway?
It's not cutting cost it's techs being lazy. I will be the first out there to say I've installed without grounding before. We all have BUT you can't perform every install like that. It sounds to me that the contracting company is about to get a nice phone call and visit from Directv. Either way it's one thing to have the one offs out there but it's sounding like this was a large amount of jobs
It's not cutting cost it's techs being lazy. I will be the first out there to say I've installed without grounding before. We all have BUT you can't perform every install like that. It sounds to me that the contracting company is about to get a nice phone call and visit from Directv. Either way it's one thing to have the one offs out there but it's sounding like this was a large amount of jobs
I agree but how many of those customers balked at having the system installed within suitable grounding sources because "I don't want to see the dish".
HIFI said:
I agree but how many of those customers balked at having the system installed within suitable grounding sources because "I don't want to see the dish".

Most, but it don't matter. They expect us to run 100 ft of cable through an attic out the other side hit a ground block swing another 100 ft through the attic back to where the lines are and then expect us do be done and to the next job no longer then 2 hours! Not saying it can't be done but we all have families we would like to see before they go to bed. It's kind of the gray area, they harp about it bein grounded but HAVE to make time frames. Regardless, I would love to see exactly how many jobs were just not grounded for no reason where they did this report
I agree but how many of those customers balked at having the system installed within suitable grounding sources because "I don't want to see the dish".

Or theres no way to get to the HOUSE Electrical Ground ?

That said, sometime other options should be available, but not always.

How many people will balk because they have to have the ground ran all the way around the house to get to thier House ground ?
Most, but it don't matter. They expect us to run 100 ft of cable through an attic out the other side hit a ground block swing another 100 ft through the attic back to where the lines are and then expect us do be done and to the next job no longer then 2 hours! Not saying it can't be done but we all have families we would like to see before they go to bed. It's kind of the gray area, they harp about it bein grounded but HAVE to make time frames. Regardless, I would love to see exactly how many jobs were just not grounded for no reason where they did this report

Well, what do you mean, I'm sure the company allows you a whooping 10 minutes to place the ground ...
Jimbo said:
Well, what do you mean, I'm sure the company allows you a whooping 10 minutes to place the ground ...

3 4 boxes in a 4 hour time span with a 45 minute drive to each one. Placing a ground wire really isn't hard and takes MAYBE 5 minutes to complete 90% of the time but driving from other jobs and being forced to hit time frames? Something is going to give, phone lines and grounding everytime.
so these are actual DirecTV employed and paid installers or contracted work? No, cause I read the story. There is a difference.

you can immediately address and react with one's own workers and there is a long process of actions and reactions when dealing with contractors.
Bad installers are everywhere. I recently had a movers install, in our new home, and they installed DECA and SWM. After the installer left, I was only getting one tuner that worked on each of my HR20-700s, and no longer had an Internet connection for TV Apps & YouTube. After several calls with no results, I removed all of the DECA equipment and hard wired each box to my home network. Everything then worked fine and now I have my TV Apps and You Tube back.
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