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Apr 5, 2004
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DIRECTV Customer Service
Had told them that we were long time customers of theirs (7-8 years) and we were wondering what the plans were for more HD channels and a time frame.(Should have mentioned that in the first post)It is starting to appear that their main concern really is SD programing and waiting till the very end to start supplying HD programing.It seems that we maybe giving Voom a try in the very near future,although we would probably keep Directv basic for the kids
DirecTV has already said that they will have 15-20HD channels by year end. This number could be much higher from the recent spaceway annoucment. They will pull through in this. they also have offically said that they plan to start offering locals by satellite in HD starting next year. INHD 1 & 2 have told me that they are in talks with DirecTV right now about carrige of the 2 HD channels before the year is up. this is calm before the big HD storm, hang on and you will be rewarded.
I hope Directv does pull this off.We had cable (Cox) and they are the worst example of a service provider there is(my brother has their High Speed Internet service and he can't even let his daughter check E-mail-all the porn spam)they are down about as often as they are up.Thats why 10 of the 11 homes on the street has Directv. Their new upgrade to Digital service is a laugh,and the service people -I wouldn't let them cut my lawn.A friend has Comcrap in Alexandria and thats good if your eyes are old.So I hope that Directv can swing this,all ready have the E-mail set-up to send them a note each 2 weeks about HD
Same reply to eveyone who mails them..........Get VOOM now!
Tell Dtv to take a hike
15-20 new HD channels....LMAO
and you believe that?????
Get rid of them NOW!
someone seems to have invested in VOOM, i gave voom a try it was terrible, csr , installers, faulty equiptment, poor signal <<<s jersey area-although the pq was great when it actually worked - dont know about other areas but i will tell you , directv was the quickest to respond to a service issue. luckily national satellite is great.tried dish and pq was just ok. 811 hd boxes all the issues you could find here were correct, bad bad bad. tried all of the providers in the last 2 months, hd is only worthit if you get (VOOM) the signal, im sticking with DIRECTV and hope they add the channels at a faster rate but at least i have a picture and the boxes dont shut down <<<although i know there are known issues with directv boxes also, i luckily dont have any
The VOOMies just can't stay on their own forums.
They must get discounts if they can show they have disrupted a certain number of D* threads.
Either that or they just haven't got enough HD to keep them amused.
(Of course an Hd-Tivo would solve that problem.....oh, yes, how could I forget? VOOM says a VOOM DVR is on the way. And, of course, we always must accept what VOOM tells us at face value. It is the evil D* or E* CSRs we must ignore.)
Given all of that, here are a few items taken verbatim off some of the VOOm threads

registered Voomer Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 503

Well folks I'm out...
It was time for this guy to make his decision on VOOM, and I think I made the right choice. I'm dumping them and sticking with D*. The constant picture quality fluctuations, microstutters, bad looking sd channels (sparklies), and rain fade problems are my main gripes with V*. I'm not going to sit here and totally bad mouth V* like others who have left have done though, they do have some decent programming (I'm gonna miss monsters and Rave), and a hell of a lot more of it in HD than anyone else, but I just can't take these problems anymore. Especially when being able to watch consistent pq, with never a break up during rain with D*. BTW I just ordered my HD Tivo for D*, so I think I'll be happier just sticking with them. I'm tired of seeing all the flaws with V*. I want to enjoy my hd tv again. Honestly, I hope V* succeeds, and maybe one day when they get everything just right I'll be back, but for now I must say farewell to V*, and farewell to you great folks here in this forum. Even you vurbano. And for those of you lurking here, and thinking about getting V*, I say go for it. At least give it a try, you may not encounter the same problems I did, and you just may end up loving it, and the folks here are very helpful, and can help with any questions you may have. This is the best V*...hell the best forum period I've ever had the pleasure of participating in. So you are definitely in good hands here. Again thanks to everyone for all there help here, especially the man Sean, keep up the good work.

Registered User Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 20

well im about to do the same ill give voom another month then ill stick it out with d* and watch some hd fooootball

And a vurbano poll (as of 1:10 pm PT May 31st)
View Poll Results: Do your premiums suffer from microstutters?
yes 37 69.81%
no 16 30.19%
Originally Posted by barth2k
all those seeing inferior PQ, please go to, create an account if you haven't already, and send a complaint to Voom. I don't know if complaining here is going to do any good except in a cry-in-your-beer sort of way. If enough people send email or call, maybe they'll get a clue.
Then there are equipment issues:
30" Dish not helping Rain Fade
I got my 30" dish a week ago and I get a singal of 99% but this morning it has been raining alot and I got no picture and my singal is 45% , My direct tv has a singal of 92% in this downpoor. Does anyone have any ideas on what might be causeing this? I had them put a new LNB on the new dish when they installed it . Good thiing I still have Direct tv, I will never be able to go with voom and drop direct tv if they cant get this fixed and I would like too when the PVR comes out.
Registered User Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 19

I am brand new to Voom, just installed yesterday. Previous I was using a Sammy SIR T-165 STB for my over the air digitals. I immedaitely noticed that the picture on same digital local channels with the Motorola are not as crisp or eye snatching. I was going to put my STB up on EBAY once I had VOOM, but now I think I will hold onto it for awhile. It is currently not connected.
branchbouncer said:
Had told them that we were long time customers of theirs (7-8 years) and we were wondering what the plans were for more HD channels and a time frame.(Should have mentioned that in the first post)It is starting to appear that their main concern really is SD programing and waiting till the very end to start supplying HD programing.It seems that we maybe giving Voom a try in the very near future,although we would probably keep Directv basic for the kids

I would advise against Voom also. I have had it for a month now, and I will cancel tomorrow before my next bill kicks in. The picture on HD is quite good , but the exclusives are simply a joke; same old B movies day after day. If your thing is 1950's B movies then Voom is for you.

The SD selection is very weak, and on some channels just not on a par with DTV.

The equipment cost is a joke, $10 for first box and $15 for extra box's.
I have tried to cancel voom for a month now they keep hanging up on me for a deinstall so i am going to call the BBB to get them outta here they keep giving me free months of service to stay there they suck terrible customer service they make dishnet look good in that department
Thanks Karl

The more that I read about VOOM the more skeptical I am about their service and quailty,I read a report last night and it states that 1 out of every 5 new customers drops Voom in the first month and that at least one more drops in the first billing cycle.Also their owners "Cable" were asked a recent shareholders meeting if they were interested in selling to Time Warner the responce was " we will listen to any reasonable offer"
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