Sports Programming Is Screwed Up!!


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Apr 9, 2009
Davis, ca
I live in the area of the Sacramento Kings basketball team. In past years with Dish, the games were carried on CSNCA, a local Comcast sports network Tonight is the first game of the new season, and the game is supposed to be on that channel - but the Kings game is not there. Instead, there's a hockey game. This is not the first time this has happened, it happened once last year. I called Dish then, but just got a runaround. I sure hope this can =get fixed fast.
When you have 2 teams and only one network you need to check alt channels. Here in MN with both the Wild and Wolfies on FS North they just created FS North + for times when both teams are on

looking at the rest of the week the Kings games are on CSN CA
Iceberg is right. As a Sharks fan I've had to frequently check the alt channels in the 400 range. When Comcast Sports Net CA has two games at the same time, they push one to the alternative channels. This is actually a good thing as we all get to watch what we want. With the NBA strike I haven't had to do this yet this year, but given that CSN CA has both the Warriors and the Kings I know it will be coming up. It's especially an issue when looking to record on your DVR (if you use one).
Yeah, ran into basically the same thing tonight. The Wizards were on the regular CSN in my area (Mid-Atlantic), but I wanted to watch the Capitals game (On CSN+, a sports alternate channel in Dish parlance). Eventually I found it- channel 475. I actually knew to look in the alternate channels (Did it a lot last season, my first season with Dish), but somehow missed it the first couple times I did a visual scan of the channel guide this evening. I think when I stopped seeing sports alternate channels and started seeing channels labeled sports pay-per-view, I figured that meant it wasn't there and kind of panicked. Later I did a more extensive scan up the dial and found it. Now I know. :) Don't give up until you get passed all the 400s. :)

NBA season started late due to their collective bargaining dispute, so this is the first time this season that sports fans are running into this. Beats the alternative of the games just not being on when there is a conflict, though.

Comcast cable in my area actually simply didn't pick up CSN+ games period, on any channel. They added it for a year, then they dropped it the next year. And of course you'd call to complain and they'd have no idea what you were talking about.

Ironically, Dish has more Comcast Sportsnet Mid-Atlantic games than Comcast cable (in my area, anyway). Might have something to do with the Comcast cable carrying Penguins and Flyers games (and channels) locally also (I live in an area claimed by all three teams as home territory), and not wanting to pay itself for the rights to the overflow games on top of it, but I'd personally rather have the extra Caps games on CSN+ than the games from the Pens and the Flyers (And that's basically the deal with Dish- you get the CSN+ Caps games but no Pens or Flyers games).

Ideal world, I'd get all the games from as many teams as possible, though. But the primary thing is getting all the games from my team in each sport- which reminds me, Versus should be in a less expensive tier. ;)
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Thanks for the helpful comments. Basketball has always trumped hockey on CSNCA, but the same thing happened last year for the first local game of the season. 444 worked for me; I called Dish, got through to a csr, who sent me to 444, one of the alt sports chennels.
Versus is changing names in a few days to NBC Sports. Might this help this along?
I don't believe so. The rumors I'm creating state that Dish Network is looking at buying AT&T, but AT&T would in no way be for the prioritizing of benefits to channels owned by one of their main competitors, Comcast, who owns NBC. My rumors state that it is more likely if Dish buys AT&T, they'll drop all the Comcast channels, including NBC.
Agreed. They'll have to honor the same contract obligations despite the name change. When the contract comes up they may try to jockey for a lower (more widely viewed) programming package.
Versus/NBC Sports is not even offered on a Latino package. They just got an MLS contract starting next year. Could this get it put on a Latino package?

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