I used my ORB 5000 to track the arc, so at this point I haven't check the west and east limits, Wizit. I am hoping that I won't have to do the limits. I only went to G1 at the west and to 72 degrees to whatever satellite that is.
I have some satellite ribbon coming to me soon, so I will know more what this receiver settings concerning the limits are, as soon I get that cable.
I will let you know how to set the limits on your Star Trak 400, since your and mine are about the same kind of receivers. If the weather is ok tomorrow, I may go out side with the ORB 5000 and TV and just search the arc... I will monkey with the limits then.
I reckon I may be using the 5000 to operate the arm instead of the V Box. I have been hearing some crappy things about this positioner. Bought it two years ago and only played with it for a few minutes with my traxis 3500.
At least I won't have to worry about running polarity wires since this receiver does that with the 13/18 volt.