Stargate SG-1 on Amazon Prime Video


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Aug 2, 2009
Even though this is old TV and though I've seen it before I had to comment on how it's streamed on APV. All I can say is that it's disappointing that the first 2 episodes are heavily edited. I can understand the content being edited for "regular" TV because of the nudity in "Children of the Gods" but a lot of other stuff was edited that makes no sense to me. Also, some of the script for the first 2 episodes make me laugh everytime because of how ridiculous it was. Anyway, I'm sure that other episodes have been similarly edited. I've seen similar things happen on other shows and movies. Why can't these be streamed in the original version? I'd recommend buying or renting the DVD so that you can see the original content but sometimes the DVD's get edited. That's Hollywood and "social justice" for you.
My wife and to a lesser degree I have been binge watching all the Star Trek TV series, many of the Quantum Leap shows, and the SG-1 shows. I didn't see episode 1 or 2 since I first noticed this binge watching going on in Season 3. Are you saying that episodes 1 or 2 had nudity on broadcast TV?
My wife and to a lesser degree I have been binge watching all the Star Trek TV series, many of the Quantum Leap shows, and the SG-1 shows. I didn't see episode 1 or 2 since I first noticed this binge watching going on in Season 3. Are you saying that episodes 1 or 2 had nudity on broadcast TV?

The 2hr premiere had nudity in its original first run premiere on Showtime before SyFy took over the series. It was later removed for the broadcast syndication and repeats on syfy.
My wife and to a lesser degree I have been binge watching all the Star Trek TV series, many of the Quantum Leap shows, and the SG-1 shows. I didn't see episode 1 or 2 since I first noticed this binge watching going on in Season 3. Are you saying that episodes 1 or 2 had nudity on broadcast TV?
The first two were on Showtime if I am not mistaken.
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It was Sha’re, Daniels wife, showing everything after she was taken and being inspected to become the host of Apophis wife.
Even after the first episode (originally shown in one piece on Showtime), there was no other nudity and very little language in this series during the 5-season run on Showtime. They were going to cancel it, but Scifi picked it up and ran it another 5 seasons...
Amazon censors lots of series and has been doing it for years, occasionally movies too, nothing to do with Hollywood or social justice. Sex and nudity seem to offend them the most.
My disappointment is that the PQ and AQ leave a lot to be desired and as some have surmised, it is probably the masters that SyFy made rather than the originals from Showtime. It isn't as bad as the nightmare that Babylon 5 is, but it could be much better.
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I just noticed "Stargate: Atlantis" is also up on Prime and started watching from the beginning. This was originally on roughly the same time "Earth: Final Conflict" 3rd season and I thought it was suspicious that the "bad guys" in both were life-sucking vampire aliens with almost identical feeding mechanisms.

Anyway, I'm sure the DVDs would be a better media choice for viewing these episodes, but the stories still come through and the CGI was pretty darn good for the early 2000s.
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SG-Atlantis was HD from the it should look good on Prime...
While it may have been shot in HD, SyFy didn't go HD until October 2007 so don't count your chickens.

In watching episode 1 of the show, the web player claims it to be HD, but it certainly doesn't pop like modern HD in terms of sharpness or vibrancy. The bitrate is around 6.8GB/hour according to the web player's properties. On my Roku 3, it perhaps starts to show its bandwidth where some of the detail goes away when the screen is busy. If you're looking for eye candy, this isn't it, but it isn't going to make you want to look away like some of the really poor transcodes. Maybe it is just me, but the sound seems somewhat lacking as well.

It reminds me more than a little of what they did to ST:Enterprise where it just wasn't quite HD as compared to the HDNet HD version. Then again, Enterprise came on the scene (2001) and was over (2005) before most of us had HDTVs and just one season into Stargate Atlantis.
While it may have been shot in HD, SyFy didn't go HD until October 2007 so don't count your chickens.

In watching episode 1 of the show, the web player claims it to be HD, but it certainly doesn't pop like modern HD in terms of sharpness or vibrancy. The bitrate is around 6.8GB/hour according to the web player's properties. On my Roku 3, it perhaps starts to show its bandwidth where some of the detail goes away when the screen is busy. If you're looking for eye candy, this isn't it, but it isn't going to make you want to look away like some of the really poor transcodes. Maybe it is just me, but the sound seems somewhat lacking as well.

It reminds me more than a little of what they did to ST:Enterprise where it just wasn't quite HD as compared to the HDNet HD version. Then again, Enterprise came on the scene (2001) and was over (2005) before most of us had HDTVs and just one season into Stargate Atlantis.
I'll have to take a look at it and see what it looks like...
I'll have to take a look at it and see what it looks like...

If it's Amazon Prime Video, then it is almost certainly adaptive streaming. This means that the bit rate can vary second by second to fit in the available bandwidth. Most of the time I see a perfect picture. But sometimes it gets fuzzy or even blocky, and I attribute this to congestion on my cable ISP.
I first started streaming "Atlantis" using the Prime Video app on our new LG C8 OLED. The one thing I noticed was a certain amount of "grain" in the blue skies and ocean scenes. I don't see that on my Apple TV on my Sony Bravia, but then maybe it's a side-effect of the upscaling.

Anyway, it's surprising how much of this show I remember given the 15-16 years since it originally aired. I really should devote more brain space to names and birth dates than Sci-Fi movies and TV! :D
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If it's Amazon Prime Video, then it is almost certainly adaptive streaming.
I watched the rate on and off for probably 20 minutes. Outside of puttering around in the forum, I had no other Internet activity. In all that time, I was given more or less the same bitrate each time I checked so I suspect that I was seeing Vmax.
I'll have to take a look at it and see what it looks like...
I think many more people need to look at what they're getting whether it is OTA or OTT.

We know that subdividing OTA results in a progressive loss of quality and it appears that sometimes when these OTT services add something, it isn't all there either (lacking full surround, down-converted or even up-converted from DVD).

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